the full moon in cancer is exact on wednesday january 15th 2014 at 8:52pm PST- marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the intense and powerful Grand Cross new year’s new moon in capricorn on january 1st. if you have not read the lunar insight for that new moon you can find it on my website. this was a very powerful initiator new moon that was all about breakdowns, breakthroughs and starting new ventures or journeys in the wake of endings and/or destruction of the past. this very potent lunation is now at it’s midpoint- with a full moon opposite the sun bringing matters to a climax, crisis or culmination. with the conscious self and ego (sun) exactly opposite the Unconscious (full moon) we have all manner of things we have not been looking at or have been trying to ignore come up for us in powerful ways. full moons can be times of illumination or release of pent up energy- or they can be chaotic and bring things to a crisis point. either way they are trying to bring to Light that which is not being looked at- and they are good check point for us in terms of what we seeded or intended at the new moon. asking the question ‘where am i at on the journey that began on january 1st and do i need to make a course correction?’ is key right now.
this full moon is in cancer, the sign that the moon rules- making it extra emotional, sensitive and attached to the past. with the sun in grounded, stable capricorn opposite the moon in emotional, changeable cancer- we have the pitting of father energy against mother energy. capricorn wants everything under control- including emotions- while cancer wants to feel nourished and nurtured. with this full moon involved in a T-square with the Great Mother asteroid Goddess ceres, there are definite themes up around safety, security, home, family, nourishment and nurturing. with ceres in libra another theme in focus is that of relationships. essentially anything not balanced or in integrity right in home, family or personal relationships is likely to come up. this can be liberating and freeing- as things are being looked at and dealt with in the Light of day. or it can be chaotic, unstable and explosive as things that were repressed for far too long come up in like a pressure cooker exploding.
to add to the mix we have true black moon lilith conjunct the full moon by less than 1 degree and we have mean black moon lilith conjunct the full moon by just a little over 1 degree. if you know anything about BML she has two forms, mean and true, that make up a corridor of BML energy. the corridor can be 20 degrees wide or it can be 1 degree tight. in this case it is 1 degree tight which amplifies the black moon lilith energy in the full moon chart. this is potent energy to add into an already powerful mix. black moon lilith is the Dark Goddess energy and our whole journey with her is one of empowerment. along that journey though we often experience her energy in her extreme forms of being the victim (where we give away our power or have it taken from us) and/or being the tyrant (where we lord our power over others and try to manipulate or control them). with black moon lilith on this moon deep stuff can come up around power, control, passion, intensity, and emotions we have disconnected from. facing emotional energies that come up is key right now- particularly the intense ones that we tend to label as ‘bad’ (i.e. anger, rage, fear, depression, grief, sadness, pain).
with the sun in capricorn preferring to have everything under control and ceres in libra preferring to not rock the boat- the full moon conjunct black moon lilith energy can be very explosive OR very freeing, depending on how you work with the energy present at the full moon. this full moon can bring up all the emotional energy that has been repressed for a while- and it can blow both the sun in capricorn and ceres in libra out of the water! yet at the same time this lunation can bring Light to the very shadows we are trying to ignore or deny and that can be the start of some deeply healing experience that will move you forward and/or onward when it comes to relationships in your life.
it is interesting to note that ceres is conjunct the midpoint of the sun/moon opposition. midpoints show how opposite energies can blend together. the austere, masterful, grounded capricorn sun is very different than the emotional, sensitive, watery moon in cancer. with ceres in libra exactly square them both- our ability to find balance and perhaps a bridge between opposing worlds is possible, although it is not likely to come easy and without great effort.
looking to see where this lunation falls in your natal chart can provide insight into what this lunation is about for you- so check the weekly horoscopes and be sure to read for sun AND rising sign!
have a blessed full moon week…
~divine harmony