Astrology Reports
Reports are typically sent within 48 hours excluding weekends and holidays.
Occasionally it can take a bit longer than that pending my travel/teaching/motherhood schedule.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Natal– a report about the placements of the planets the moment you were born. This report provides insight into your personality, your potential and your blind spots. It can be very illuminating and is a great tool on the path of self-understanding. $20
Compatibility– a report comparing two individuals in a relationship (intimate or platonic) which highlights the positive and negative themes that can arise in the relationship so that you can be aware of them and work on them to create a healthier relationship. $20
Yearly Forecast– a report of all the transits- major and minor- that occur for you in the next year (one year from the date you request the report to start on) with explanations as well as length of time the transit lasts for. $20
Major Life Themes– a report that highlights the major life themes in your life so that you can be aware of them and consciously work with the energies available to you. $10
AstroLocality– a report that analyzes a location on earth based on your chart. This is great for figuring out where to relocate or move to as well as where to vacation. Please choose up to 5 locations to be included in the report (including city, state, country). $20
Degree Meanings (Sabian Symbols)– a report that includes the Sabian Symbols for each planet and major point in your chart. The Sabian Symbols are an astrological oracle much like Tarot which can provide a deeper understanding of your natal chart. $10
Numerology– a report that is based on the numbers in your full name as well as your birthdate. $10
Solar Return– a report that is known as the birthday chart. This report is based on your birth info as well as the location where you celebrated/will be celebrating your birthday for whichever year you want the report for. This report gives insight into the themes of the upcoming year for you and includes beautiful artwork! $20
Zodiac Child– a special and unique report for the little ones. This natal chart reading is written in a way that gives insight into your child’s nature- highlighting his or her gifts as well as shadow dynamics in holistic, supportive ways. There are suggestions on how to help raise your child consciously in ways that support their uniqueness and their lessons in life. This report also includes beautiful artwork. $20
Natal Fixed Star Report– a report that talks about your Star Parans- fixed stars that formed links to your natal planets and angles of your chart when you were born. This includes your Heliacal Rising Star, Setting Stars, Culminating and Lying Hidden. $20

All Astrology Report orders require full name, birthdate given in the US Date Notation of Month/Day/Year, along with birth time with AM/PM notation and birth place (City/State/Country). We do offer ‘no birth time’ reports that get cast for solar noon. They are not as comprehensive as reports with accurate birth time, but they are still very insightful, in the event that you are unable to locate your birth time.