a new mayan cycle commences on 12/21/2012! some say it is a new 5000 year cycle, others say a new 27,000 year cycle (some say both). whatever it is- it definitely is a time of shift and evolution. you don’t need astrology to tell you that do you? you can feel it in your bones!!!
many people are wondering about the astrology of this most auspicious, and in some cases dreaded, day. there are two perspectives from which to view this date: one is earth based and the other is Universe-based. from the earth-based perspective the sun moves out of firey, expansive and opportunistic sagittarius and into earthy, practical, hard-working and serious capricorn- as it does every year at the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. this marks yule, the old religion holiday celebrating the birth of the sun. on 12/21(give or take a day) the sun stands still for 3 days and then starts moving up higher in the sky until 6/21 (or thereabouts) when we have the summer solstice in the north. winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night and the summer solstice marks the opposite. the sun will begin to increase in light and as such many different religions and cultures commemorate this date with a archetypal story of the birth of a sun god (Jesus is one of them!).
on this particular 12/21 of 2012 there are several subtle aspects taking place that help shed light on what this day can mean for us on planet earth. just before the sun moves into capricorn, neptune sextiles juno (the asteroid goddess of partnership and marriage). later in the day after the sun moves into capricorn it will sextile neptune in pisces. and then the following day (12/22) the sun aligns with juno. of all the aspects happening only the neptune/juno one are considered “big” and even that can be more subtley felt due to neptune’s prescene. there are two main themes playing out here. one is of the capricorn/pisces energy. capricorn represents material and practical reality while pisces represents mystical and transcendent reality. with these two aligning on this auspicious day of a new mayan cycle we are brought massive opportunities to align body and Spirit/Soul, the physical experience with the spiritual experience, and find the sacred that lies concealed in the profane. the other theme is that of juno. she brings us opportunities to commit to our embodied spiritual paths with greater mastery, awareness and discipline. truly, what we are seeding right now will take us a long way into the future. be sure to get clear on what you want to reap before you sow the seeds of intention at this time!
the other perspective to view 12/21/2012 from is that of a more Universal/cosmic one. if you leave planet earth and travel to the Galactic Center you will see everything through different eyes. astrology as most people on earth practice it is earth based. there is logic in this as we are on earth, viewing the world from our earthly perspective- so looking at astrology that way makes sense. yet we can move beyond our limited 3D perspective and see things from a Higher plane and that is what this second viewpoint asks of us. when we leave earth we see everything else and how it is all interconnected. we are no longer an isolated planet with the only air/water/life on it. the possibilities are limitless- like the Universe itself! the galactic alignment taking place on 12/21/2012 aligns the Galactic Center (also known as the Grand Central Sun) with our little earth and with our little (by comparison) sun. this alignment is rare- and only happens once every 27,000 years. this cosmic alignment is profound and massive and really, really hard to truly contemplate when we are doing so from the limitations of ego and 3D reality here on earth. to really understand this alignment we have to go beyond the 5 senses and access something Higher. dreams are a great opportunity to go beyond what the ego knows- so pay attention to them at this time!
as you can see we have some pretty powerful shifts ahead of us- and right now we are in the dark moon time of the new cycle. this is a time of endings, closings, purging. unresolved shadow has a greater ability to come up right now- but the point is to PURGE it rather than engage in it and let it take you over. i think a big part of 2012 is going to be about being in the body and being connected to Spirit. there are a lot of us who are awake and spiritual but totally disconnected from the body and from our emotions. there are others that are not awake and are totally stuck in 3D reality and caught up in the emotional rollercoaster with no seeming end to all the chaos. ultimately i think we are hear to be on the ride but know it’s just a ride. standing off to the side pretending you are not on the ride and you don’t see the suffering and pain of others is not heart-centered to me at all. the bodhisattva is here to help others and will stay until the last one gets it! if you are waiting for you ascension ride out of here so you can leave all the bad people and go to a planet where only good people live- YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. splitting is not the answer- good and evil, us and them, black and white- is not what it’s about. we are headed into a BOTH/AND space- where living in the midst of paradox and not polarizing is the master’s exam and you can only go on to your PhD studies if you sit with it all, do not run away or try to escape, and be in the present moment in all it’s glory.
i highly suggest you take time this week to turn within and get clear about your mission, your purpose and your values. we need more aware and awake people that are connected to their hearts enough to feel others pain, connected to their anger enough to be spiritual activists and connected to their Higher Selves enough to take the collective frequency Higher. are you on board with me? i will tell you- it ain’t easy and in case you were wondering i don’t have it all figured out. i am working it out along with you- breaking my heart open to greater and greater capacities each day.
my one wish for humanity is for all the heart chakras around the world to be WIDE OPEN.
~divine harmony
(synchronistically posted at 11:11!!!)