saturn square ceres: father/mother issues

by | Jul 3, 2013 | Astrology Blog

i hope everyone out there is navigating this intense week of astrology with grace and ease! monday kicked off with venus square saturn and the sun opposing pluto- bringing focus to the shadow realities in relationships, finances and our own ego energies. today saturn (who is currently slowing down to go direct on sunday) squares ceres and the sun squares uranus- completing the sun’s trigger of the uranus/pluto square that began on monday.

the twofold energy of saturn and uranus is an interesting dynamic. on one hand there are restrictions, limitations and responsibilities to face (saturn). but on the other hand there is a restless, undercurrent of anxiety that can be impulsive and chaotic in it’s desire for change. uranus/pluto is an energy present from 2012 to 2015 and anytime personal planets trigger it like the sun has been doing the first part of this week, we get to focus on the breakdowns and breakthroughs playing out in our lives.

the saturn/ceres aspect is something different. on monday saturn tested venus and today he does so with ceres- both are symbols of the Goddess, showing that part of what is being tested is the feminine and her solar/royal/leo expression (both venus and ceres are in leo right now). the positive side of this testing is helping us to get clear on realities in Love, money and family situations and then get to dealing with them pronto. the shadow side is that our narcissistic ego can be thinking we deserve/are entitled to so much more than the Universe is delivering right now. checking our egos and being sure we are not reacting from ego-wounded places is key right now, although it may not be easy with sun/uranus tonight (this aspect has the tendency of releasing repressed energy in unexpected ways).

saturn is the archetypal father figure and ceres is the archetypal mother figure. with these two in tense aspect our mother/father issues can be up big time. as a child, did you get your needs for nurturing, care taking and emotional support met? did you get your needs for safety, security, grounding and material support met? if either of these were lacking in childhood you can have the tendency to seek for these needs to be met by others in your life today. this is called projection. ultimately we are meant to take back projections so that we can provide for ourselves what is lacking within. this is the path of individuation and integration- and it is a requirement for spiritual and psychological maturity.

saturn/ceres today can be a reminder of all that is lacking within and we can either project that out as lack and a need for someone else to fill us up- OR we can focus within to see where childhood dynamics are externalizing themselves and then we can choose to work with them differently. with saturn stationary right now the lessons about reality, the bottom-line, structure, discipline and personal responsibility are up big time. the leo and scorpio part of your chart is where those tests are being focused (for more info check your weekly horoscopes).

we are heading into the 4th of july- independence day in the US! the uranus/pluto energy this week demands change and shift- but the saturn energy present this week demands we make those changes with wisdom, foresight and personal integrity. we need to be aware that we are all interdependent and the choices we make impact others and the world around us. it’s not just about us and our egoic needs! the week ends with a dark moon- so take time this week to clear out the crap from the past (emotionally, psychologically, physically, egoically and more) so that next week at the new moon you are truly ready to embrace a new chapter in your life no holds barred!


~divine harmony