reality is a-changin!

by | Jan 14, 2013 | Astrology Blog

as you probably already know, we are in uranus/pluto years right now. uranus squares pluto 7 times between 2012 and 2015, bringing breakdowns and breakthroughs for the whole purpose of bringing more integrity, alignment and evolution into our lives. over the next couple of years anytime personal planets get activated by uranus and pluto the areas of life those planets govern are in focus. the first part of 2013 has been dominated by this evolutionary energy as it pertains to relationships. both venus and juno are in the midst of major activation by uranus and pluto- bringing the evolutionary forces of change into our most important relationships, commitments and contractual arrangements.

venus is the Goddess of Love and beauty and she governs what we value, what we are attracted to and how we feel about ourselves (self-worth). she also governs the shadow side of relationship: material and narcissistic focus- where relationships are simply a reflection or appeasement of our own worth and value and have nothing to do with anyone else or their needs and desires. juno is the asteroid Goddess of partnership and commitment and she governs relationships that have moved passed the fun, romantic stage and have made it to a deeper commitment. she also governs all the shadow dynamics that can come up in committed partnership: jealousy, possessiveness, equality (or lack thereof), and infidelity. in greek mythology hera or juno (roman and greek names for the same person) was married to zeus or jupiter. her plight was one of a scorned woman, she was always getting cheated on! yet she loved her man and was deeply committed, so she never left him. juno can symbolize both the deep level of commitment and even business partnership that marriage entails- but also the shadow side of deeper commitment and where we sell ourselves out.

with both of these Goddesses in earthy, practical, materially-focused capricorn- we can find that our focus in relationships (past, present, future- and more importantly with our own anima/Divine Feminine within) can be on reality, structure, order, discipline, and financial security. both venus and juno in capricorn are incredibly loyal and committed, but they can also be overly so to the point of staying in relationships out of obligation, fear of being alone or doing with less material resources, and/or staying simply because it’s safe and secure and the big wide world out there is just too chaotic. yet with both venus and juno in dynamic aspect with uranus (juno squared uranus 12/31 and venus squared uranus 1/12) and pluto (juno cojoins pluto monday 1/14 and venus does the same on thursday 1/17) right now- chaos, change, and sudden shifts cannot be escaped! if we are in relationships out of convention, tradition, obligation or fear- uranus and pluto will do their best to let us see where things are out of integrity, out of alignment or no longer working. the best use of this energy is to get clear on what is old paradigm and then revolutionize it. whether it be radically transforming a current relationship, ending one and opening up to the possibilities of the Universe, or simply revolutionizing and dramatically altering our relationship paradigm within (which ultimately sets us up for/attracts external relationships that come into our lives)- uranus and pluto demand change, evolution and more consciousness!

while venus and juno are in this powerful and potent dance with uranus and pluto, they are also being activated by the sweet saturn/chiron sextile that is happening right now and lasting until the end of the year. they are actually forming a very auspicious triangle aspect that helps us heal the past and bring more conscious awareness to our relationships and commitments (chiron) and also deepen commitments and/or prune away what no longer works and actually holds us back from the growth we seek (saturn). yes uranus and pluto are radically activating venus and juno- effectively rocking our world and destabilizing our sense of security and stability, but chiron and saturn are helping us to find the true seat of security and stability which first and foremost sources from within. this is a great time to do dream work, therapy, astrology readings, tarot readings, etc… anything that provides you with the ability to reflect on your current situation involving relationships (past or present) and/or your relationship paradigm- meaning how you do relationship and it’s connection to your emotional past (usually starting with mother/father relationships but also being impacted by any relationships you have had to date).

another focus of the transformational energy is on finances, wealth, abundance and material reality. venus governs all of these and in capricorn she is focused on the traditions, structures and patriarchal standpoint that most of the world we live in is based on. the political and governmental structures that support the way we live our lives today are under radical re-examination. just doing something the same way over and over because we have always done it that way or because it is safe and scure is not going to work during the uranus/pluto years ahead. this is a time to QUESTION EVERYTHING and really, honestly look at if it works and if so, who does it benefit?  the shadow of capricorn is dogma, control and dominance- so looking at where we are stuck in old beliefs, trying to maintain control and/or giving away our power to others is key- financially, romantically and otherwise.

this week is a powerful one! pay close attention to monday through thursday when juno and venus align with pluto respectively. eruptions of shadow and power/control dynamics can more readily be seen, but so, too, can opportunities for powerful transformation, catharsis, regeneration and/or complete release and renewal (death and rebirth) of structures, obligations, commitments (financially or relationally) in our lives.

there’s never a dull moment on planet earth these days! ;)

yours in the alchemical fire of transformation…

~divine harmony

p.s. if you have emailed me personally i will get back to you by tuesday (tomorrow). weekly horoscopes will be up in a few hours.