post election musings… (what is Truth?)

by | Nov 9, 2016 | Astrology Blog

i have been and am still in Watcher mode during this collective drama called the united states election. i have voiced my opinion- quite loudly- when bernie sanders was running for the democratic nomination. in my opinion he was the only candidate that had integrity and truly was a servant of the people. if you want to read the article i wrote about his and clinton’s charts you can find that here-

for me neither of the main candidates has integrity and neither of them would i trust to run my country. but i will say this- the shadow that trump represents is in your face for all to see, while clinton’s shadow is hidden behind smoke screens, lost emails and closed door deals with shadowy businesses/people. to be clear i do not feel trump is the right candidate and at the same time i feel clinton is not either. one of the biggest issues of our time is POLITICAL CORRUPTION- as well as CLIMATE CHANGE (and guess what!? they are completely related). i just watched leonardo di caprio’s documentary ‘before the flood’ last night and it was not necessarily eye opening (i knew all this already but i know it will be an eye opener for many others) but it was a big reminder to me that we no longer have time to debate about the future of our planet. as of right now it’s going south fast and as a man from china said in that film- when the ship goes down we will all be going down with it! (which reminds me of a dream i had which you can read about here-

clinton is corrupt and possibly a sociopath (or at least working for sociopaths) and trump is an angry narcissist and possible rapsit. which is worse? i do not know! do i really have to choose? trump rapes women and clinton by her associations and policies rapes the earth. guess what- BOTH WOMEN AND THE EARTH ARE FEMININE! which rape is worse? do we really have to make one more important than the other? and despite clinton’s public position on climate change- the big businesses that are destroying our environment are the ones that pay her money, so i don’t see her having a radical conversion experience and all of a sudden waking up and changing. trump doesn’t believe in climate change- so that is a moot point. both of them have tons of money- and are tied into moneyed interests in one way or another. can you see that in this election we were f*cked no matter who we choose???

the neptune/south node conjunction makes things really slippery right now. it’s easy to think you know what is Truth and what is real and actually be completely deluded and deceived. it is quite possible that clinton would have been way worse for our country than trump. it’s also quite possible (and to me actually fact) that the presidential election is not really about the people but is about corporate interests and those with money behind the scenes buying people out. you can see how this plays out with the koch brothers and coal/oil companies they own in leo’s documentary (which btw i am so grateful a big celebrity is using his voice/power/position to call out the shadow in such a huge way!).

i am now seeing clinton supporters start to lash out at people like me who from the beginning said they would not vote out of fear and will not be manipulated into thinking they only have two choices. i cannot choose the lesser of two evils- particularly when one of the two evils has so much hidden and purposefully obscured that i cannot fully assess who really is the lesser of two evils. to me trump is hot headed- he has mars on his ascendant and he has the royal fixed star regulus on his ascendant with the karmic 29th degree of leo activated. for him rulership and leadership is karmic. he is being asked to get it right- as he has done it wrong and let his ego/hubris lead him astray in past lifetimes. his progressed sun just moved into virgo- the sign of service and leadership that is based on being a servant to the people. will he step up? who knows? he has lessons in impulse control and lower chakra mastery. he is kind of like a child that needs to grow up. but clinton has a lot of shadow as well- most of it well hidden (how very scorpio/12th house of her). what trump says without thinking and makes him look stupid could very well match what clinton is really thinking and more importantly DOING but won’t speak up or be public about. what is worse? shadow out in the open or shadow in the closet? honestly it’s hard to tell right now with neptune/south node- there are a lot of unknowns and a lot of manipulation going on behind the scenes. we cannot take things at face value right now.

i am noticing everyone’s tendency to spin the information in the way their own subjectivites sway- which is normal it’s part of being human. i do it too! the problem is when we become so full of hubris that we think we are right and everyone else is wrong- and those who are wrong we need to defriend them on Facebook or call them out on their page because we know they are stupid and need to be schooled. really is this where our evolution is at? particularly in the spiritual community!?! (the worse i have seen of this plays out on spiritual people’s pages!)

if we honestly want the right and left to work together to create wholeness and birth a new vision we need to be willing to listen to each other and find common ground. the desire to move to canada or new zealand can be an excuse to disconnect and not take responsibility for where we are at collectively (and believe me i GET it as i have been having fantasies of moving to bali of late). don’t you know we get the president we deserve (i believe i am quoting michael lutin’s piece from vanity fair here). we are at the place we are collectively because we have all contributed to getting here. and we all need to be present and do our personal work (inner shadow work) and bigger work in the world to shift things- that is if we really want to put our money where our mouths are and not just blame everyone else for the world falling apart.

in the primary election the voting was rigged against bernie sanders. he was building momentum and he was definitely becoming the chosen one of the people (leo even took a subtle but clear stand for him when he called bernie sanders inspiring at the climate summit in paris in december 2015). in polls he was ahead of clinton and seen as a serious threat/viable contender against trump (whereas clinton was not and clearly that panned out)! but then votes disappeared, people were told they could not vote when they were registered, people were registered under incorrect parities and more. and the people were angry- yet it all went underground never to be heard of again. similar things happened with the trump/clinton competition- the news was reporting clinton was way ahead when in fact that was not true. many people are surprised at the election results today but its because they were getting their news from stations who were manipulating the information. the media has been deceptive this entire election (and previous ones too) and what we need to do is WAKE UP TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PULLING THE STRINGS BEHIND THE CURTAIN.

saturn is about to trine uranus and eris this fall and all of 2017. when i first saw this alignment the worlds ORGANIZED REVOLUTION came to mind. uranus is the rebel and revolutionary, eris is the Goddess of discord and chaos who throws the apple of discord so that she can upset the apple cart and reveal the shadow. saturn is about structure, commitment and long term focus. put them all together and we have a recipe for a revolution that is not a flash in the pan but has the momentum to stay the course. we need to stop thinking our elected officials are going to save us and we need to start saving ourselves and more importantly our beloved Mother Earth who we rely on and who relies on us! we cannot rely on politicians who make false promises to appease us in the moment but never follow through because they are bought out by moneyed interests who care more about profit and power. we have to take a stand- SAY NO- and make the politicians fall in line with what the rest of us demand (another golden nugget taken from leo’s documentary- you must watch it!).

i actually feel that in some ways it is possible that a trump presidency will mobilize this revolution faster than a clinton one would have. with in your face shadow we usually feel a fire under our butts to address it. it’s the shadow that is hidden, ignored, denied or dressed up in Light that we tend to allow to be there longer which creates a lot more problems down the road- much like a hidden cancer that goes undetected for far too long.

have you ever seen a big blockbuster movie that has all the glam and gliz and action and everyone says ‘this is the best movie ever!’ add in some spiritual pop words and people are saying its a film about consciousness and evolution. two films come to mind right now- i will not name them- but i will say i started to watch them and immediately i felt the dark energy hiding behind the Light and glamor on the screen. so many of my spiritual friends were saying these movies were amazing- but i could not stomach watching them as i felt hidden energy that was manipulative and not of the Light and actually was quite dark and subliminally powerful. i stopped watching both movies as i felt like i was going to vomit. THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON IN POLITICS RIGHT NOW. not everything is what it seems and there’s a hell of a lot of shit going down behind the screen. we have to peel our eyes from the ‘actors’ on stage that are playing their ‘parts’ and start seeing the script they are reading from and more importantly start seeing the people who are writing the script and what their motivations and intentions are.

this is why i am so into shadow work. the more we can each personally see our own shit and shadow- the more we are able to see it in others, our politicians and the world around us. i don’t believe the point is to have no shadow- it is a part of the Wholeness of life. the point is to see the shadow and integrate it- as unintegrated shadow gets projected onto others we call evil (which creates wars and division) or it arrives in our personal and collective experience and feels like fate (i.e. hitler is an example of Unconscious shadow constellated in a single person). inner work is required if we want the world to change. the Outer reflects the Inner- to implement change we must start at the Source.

one thing i feel this election is telling us is that people are tired of the corruption and are starting to tune into the qualities of trust and integrity. the new york times said that clinton’s platform did not address the pressing issue of the times- but that both sanders and trump did. what is that issue you ask? ‘addressing anger about a rigged economy and government’ (new york times)- something clinton could not authentically address because she was being paid off and backed by the very people/businesses that were rigging everything. in addition another article i read (i forget from where) said that most people felt neither candidate was someone they could trust. this is HUGE. that america is starting to wake up to a point of caring about honesty and integrity in their political candidates is so very important- as until we do fully wake up to this we will stay on the surface and avoid seeing the shadow and shit going on behind the scenes (including our own!).

to be clear i don’t think trump or clinton is the golden ticket to ‘making america great again’. i think the golden ticket lies in each of our hands. as we make ourselves great- by doing our work, walking our talk, taking a stand for issues we believe in, unplugging from the iphone/internet/addictions to numbing out so we can be present to our pain, anger, grief, sadness and all that IS right now rather than what would be/should be/could be so that we can deal with what IS which is the precursor to creating what is possible- then we do our part in making america great again.

a true leader is servant to his or her people. i am grateful to be alive when i saw someone who actually fit that description (bernie sanders) running in the primaries and creating a significant movement! and i am also deeply angered that his chance got taken away from him by DNC nomination rigging and media manipulation. i know that come 2020- this election will be a lesson to us all that we have to vote with our conscience and integrity rather than vote from a position of who is the lesser of two evils? and we have to remember that WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR- and stop projecting our power onto others and instead stand in it, together, integrated and ready to take on those who want to sink the ship (of earth). as bernie’s motto stated- ‘we are all in this together’. when we truly come together- watch how the world will change!

~divine harmony

p.s. neptune with the true south node on the 17th and neptune stationary on the 19th makes us still in the thick of the neptune fog. there are still things not being seen clearly- and it’s not apparent which way is up and which way is down- what path is right and what path is wrong. ride out the month by taking lots of time to turn within, meditation, listen to your intuition and dreams. be willing to ask yourself where you are not seeing clearly- be willing to confront your own delusions, self deceptions, illusions and more. the work you do on yourself contributes to the collective. we cannot get angry at leaders who have no integrity when we don’t stand in integrity in our personal lives. ‘as within, so without’. to change our trajectory we have to be the change we wish to see in the world. blessed be!

p.s.s. honor your grief, anger, depression, disbelief and rage. don’t stuff it, don’t deny it. sit with it and FEEL YOUR FEELINGS and allow them to go deep to get to the root of things you carry within you from childhood and past lives. and when you are complete with honoring this process come back into the present and join your brothers and sisters who are ready, willing and able to take a stand to truly make not only america great- but make the world great again. a revolution is happening and we need your full bodied, open hearted and open minded presence to instigate worldwide change!