we are in the mars/uranus frequency. between last week and tomorrow night (wednesday the 13th) mars in scorpio who is now direct has been triggering the uranus/eris conjunction in aries. this is the 3rd and final activation with these 3 (read my astrology blog on mars retrograde for info about the previous dates- https://www.divineharmony.org/cosmic-insight-divine-harmony/divine-harmony-astrology-blog/mars-retrograde-scorpio-diving-abyss/)- and this one has mars direct so it’s time to take action.
this is a powerful time of awakening to shadow dynamics that are running our lives unconsciously/subconsciously. but it can also be a time of waking up/activating the shadow in a way that makes us run more shadow energy and actually get taken over by it. it’s a very fine line- as facing the shadow full on makes us susceptible to being seduced by it OR by being victimized by it. this is where the myth of medusa comes in to teach us something. we cannot look at shadow directly or it could eat us alive. we have to look indirectly and see things through myth, imagery, dreams, reflection in relationships or with a therapist. everything around us is simply reflecting something back to us- but we have to have the eyes to see and ears to hear in order to get the message coming in.
ellias lonsdale’s star sparks meditation for 25 scorpio is POTENT and i just had to post it. ‘the old self lies in ruins…the only path which opens is a drastic edge…will we find the courage to enter upon (this path)…even as what we discover continues to unravel the identity and to threaten the structures that remain?’
we are in DEEP TERRITORY NOW. a complete and utter willingness to do the deep work asked of us right now- and to not just see the shadow without but to really see and own the shadow within is KEY. if you are playing the victim to someone else’s perpetrator there is something inside of you that attracted this situation for some kind of learning you have the opportunity to get right now regarding standing in your power and taking charge of your life and there is an opportunity for you to be fully done with the karmic pattern of reenacting the victim story over and over again. if someone else’s victim is inciting anger in you and causing you to want to play the tyrant or abuser you attracted this situation into your life to show you something about your own use or misuse of power and your own fear of vulnerability and weakness- and you have an opportunity to make some radical changes if you so choose. (please note i am not saying victims are to blame for their circumstance AT ALL- i am saying that to break the victim cycle the victim has to see their part in it and take back their power. i am also not letting perpetrators or abusers off the hook at all- all i am saying is that in order for a victim/tyrant dynamic to play out both roles have to be occupied- the moment one person steps out of the role then the dynamic has to change or the relationship/situation will completely dissolve because the other polarity of attraction is no longer there.)
deep times require deep awareness, deep showing up and deep accountability. it’s not a fun, easy breezy time by any means but it’s a profound portal of evolution that if we choose to go through and move all the way through (rather than stay stuck in it) we can find ourselves dramatically catapulted into a whole new dimension of evolution on the other side. the only way out is through.
‘on the road to enlightenment there are many tempting parking spaces’
don’t park it on the side of the road right now! hit the road and set your sights on immense growth, evolution and radical shifts- within and without!
Scorpio 25 A doctor experimenting on himself with new drugs
The old self lies in ruins, strewn all around us. Everything which came out of the old self is dissolving or gone. There are no clear directions out of here. The only path which opens is a drastic edge. Will we find the courage to enter upon what is undirected in that direction, even as what we discover continues to unravel identity and to threaten the structures that remain?
The only answer to this question lies in making every effort to unite with that radical destiny and to see it through. We will be compelled to create ourselves anew with every twist and turn. For this is the path most destiny-centered when all the stable systems fail.
What does begin to unfold is a way of being which centers around an awareness which is both uncharted and consistently startling. The awareness itself is that of piercing clarity, which comes with pushing the self into a territory it cannot navigate, unless and until the core awareness opens one big notch. The way of being is directed toward far futures and keeping these in our sights with a visionary acuity of one-pointed direction.
Yet this entire vista can be cut off and cut short if we succumb to the pivotal temptation at this frequency. Because we have more intense shadow penetrating our sensibility then we know what to do with, we can easily stop at the point of corrosive doubt. We can especially sharply stop ourselves cold by seeing our own flaws and deficiencies too clearly too early on. And because we cannot turn this off, this world class penetrating gaze, we need to develop some kind of spaciousness around already knowing just about everything before we start.
The spiral vortex path of loosing that edge and finding it again, of forgetting and remembering. The exquisite edge between tragic self-betrayal and a triumphant salvaging of core essence.
Aries 25 A great dragon asleep in a cave
The dark deep inside seeking to emerge from a spell, from an enchantment, from a curse. The shadows, the beast, the serpent, the dragon of legend and myth stirring, restlessly, pervasively, bringing forth longings and desires previously suppressed and denied.
Secrets and mysteries. Realms within realms. So much to get back in touch with now. A promise to the children of the future to come alive at the appointed times. The inquiries of karma and of destiny. That which cannot be understood, will not conform to convention.
A wildness, a raw primal quality of needing an immense outlet for a huge energy that never had a place here. A desperate drive to let these things emerge, or else feel trapped and stuffed and caught in meaningless retrials of self avoidance at all cost.
An emotional energy of ferocious intensity. So deep. So forbidden. So strange to the modern ways. Called to merge, to tap the depths, to activate the dormant powers for the sake of the whole.
An absolutely extraordinary ability to draw forth what was hidden in each and all. A threshold capacity to elicit confidence and strength and new forces in those who are seeking a further enfoldment beyond the known.
The world’s most fertile energy frequency. Yet often postponed, or held in reserve. Captured by pasts and futures at war with each other. The shadow must be honored if the light is to dawn. All of this is known and sensed with overwhelming force. It will come out. It will come through.