long term transits unfolding…

by | Nov 14, 2012 | Astrology Blog

this week is a powerful one. we entered the eclipse portal with the solar eclipse in scorpio, the first in the scorpio/taurus axis for over a decade. we also have a stationary chiron, going direct TODAY (at 12:35pm PST), which i am really feeling. during chiron transits we are more in touch with our patin- and in chiron that pain can be deep and even collective. chiron is stationing on my moon- so i am feeling this BIG TIME. a few minutes ago i just spontaneously had to cry for seemingly no reason. if you find yourself doing that this week- it’s normal and it’s cathartic, so go ahead :)

but the astrology that is playing out in the background and that is unfolding over longer periods of time is pretty powerful this week, especially considering the 3 exact aspects made between planets that dancing with each other for a period of a year or more. on tuesday the 13th retrograde uranus semisextiled stationary chiron, thursday the 15th saturn quincunxes retrograde uranus and on friday the 16th saturn trines recently turned direct chiron. these three transits occur with very slow moving planets- so their impact is longer and their potency is more palpable, yet the affect is something we see unfold over time. when personal planets (sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars) have transits their affect is felt for a few hours to a couple of weeks at most (unless mercury, venus and mars are retrograde- which draws out their influence for months). but when the teacher planets (jupiter and saturn) or the transpersonal planets (uranus, neptune, pluto and chiron) make aspects they last. to have three in one week is pretty powerful. let’s look at them individually, as well as in relationship to each other.

uranus semisextile chiron began in july of 2011 and lasts until the end of 2013 (for exact dates see the table below). with the great awakener, rebel and revolutionary in the alpha sign of aries harmoniously connecting with the wounded healer in the omega sign of pisces, we have a bridging of yang and yin, outer and inner, beginning and ending. this is a very powerful transit for deep healing, sudden shifts in awareness, and outer/inner transformation. a positive use of this energy can be to awaken to our spiritual warrior energy or our inner mystical activist. chiron can see the pain of the world (which reflects one’s inner pain) and uranus can take action in a way that deals with what is unearthed.

the second transit also involves uranus, but this time it is a tense aspect (a quincunx) between saturn and uranus that is just beginning right now and will last until the end of 2013. saturn is the planet of commitment, stability, structure and grounding. uranus is the planet of change, liberation, freedom and upsetting the status quo. these two are VERY different- and in tense aspect they force us to see where things have gotten stagnant and stuck and where we need to facilitate change so that we can grow and let go. with both bodies in mars-ruled signs (scorpio and aries) our inner fires are being looked at. learning to master those firey, willful, aggressive energies is key- otherwise they get out of hand and become destructive. the shadow of saturn in scorpio a masochistic need to be in control. the shadow of uranus in aries is bursting out of the gate, headlong into battle without thinking ahead or having a plan. too much control or too much lack of it (aka impulsiveness) creates problems. seeing where this needs to be addressed and dealing with it is key!

the last transit is one of my favorites: saturn in scorpio trine chiron in pisces. this one also starts this week and with chiron stationary the energy is even more powerful that normal. with the lord of karma and father of time harmoniously aligning with the wounded healer we are supported in moving further on our paths of Self-mastery and healing- particularly in the realms of emotions, feelings and the journey of the Soul. this transit lasts until the end of the year- just like the other 2- bringing a dominant theme of healing, purging, releasing and transforming. saturn is also in powerful aspect to pluto and they are in mutual reception (they are in each other’s signs)- so when you add in chiron you get a very auspicious triangle aspect that creates a beautiful flow of energy between the planet of mastery (saturn), the planet of transformation (pluto) and the planetoid of healing (chiron).

as you can see this week is powerful in more ways than one! for specific dates of the transits described above see the list below. and definitely tune into what is going on in your life this week and take clear notes on what needs to be purged/let go of/transformed, what needs to be liberated/changed/freed and what needs to be grounded/mastered. with the eclipse portal opening this week whatever seeds we plant are definitely going to grow- so make sure your intention is clear so that you reap what you intended to sow.

happy and deep eclipsing!

~divine harmony

uranus semisextile chiron

saturn quincunx uranus

saturn trine chiron