full moon in taurus- holding on and letting go

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Astrology Blog

the full moon at 11’59 taurus is exact at 10:23pm PDT on friday november 3rd 2017, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in libra on october 19th. this lunar cycle is ruled by venus (the ruling planet of taurus and libra)- bringing focus to relationships, finances, our values, self-worth and self-Love. with venus in libra- the sign of her rulership- she is also focused on peace, harmony, balance, compromise and collaboration. typically a new moon in libra followed by a full moon in taurus would be lovely for partnerships and connection with others- but venus has been in the midst of some intense aspects this entire lunar cycle.

much like jupiter when he was in libra (from fall 2016 to october 10th when he moved into scorpio)- venus is under duress as she quincunxes neptune, squares pluto, opposes eris and uranus, and quincunxes chiron. the only “positive aspect” she has made is a sextile to saturn- but this has created an activation of the saturn/chiron square exact today as i write this blog (november 2nd), so it is not all hearts and roses. venus under the effects of so many outer planets brings to focus what is NOT in balance, what is not harmonious and what is not working. this can be great in that it can really show us what is wrong- but the shadow is there can be a lot up upheaval and chaos right now in relationships (romantic, business, friendship and more).

so enter the full moon in taurus. the moon is exalted in taurus and this full moon makes lovely aspects to neptune and pluto and an opposition to jupiter. there’s an indulgent energy to this full moon- which can be quite lovely. enjoying the body, pleasurable experiences like massage, intimacy, good food/good wine/high thread count sheets can be just what the doctor ordered. if you find your life is feeling volatile and overly activate, accessing this earthy taurus energy could be just the ticket!

this is a full moon to remember that we are all relational beings. we relate to each other, we relate to ourselves, we relate to Mother Earth and all her creatures. when we remember we are relational- not separate and alone- we start to act from a place of awareness of the web of life and the relationship between our beingness and other’s, as well also as the beingness of the world around us. if you are going through it right now- with saturn square chiron and venus opposite uranus/eris and quincunx chiron all exact this week- do something to find grounding, to find an anchor, to get fully in the body and show up with presence to what is going on in your life.

what is fascinating is that the sun/moon midpoint in the full moon chart is ceres- the Great Mother. she forms a T-square with the sun/moon opposition- bringing into focus home/family dynamics, environmental concerns and our needs for safety, security, nurturing and nourishment. this is a full moon to be doing proper self-care. taking care of the body- not just the mind and the Spirit- is key.

another facet of this full moon is looking at where we overdo the taurus energy personally and collectively. where do we hold onto the past out of safety and security? where do we resist change? taurus can be very stubborn- sticking to the old even when the old is dead and almost gone! so this is a full moon to question what we hold onto- physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and otherwise. what are we holding onto from childhood? from past lives? what are we holding onto collectively- like nuclear power for example when we have other more clean and efficient sources of power that are way better? this is a full moon to question where we may be comfortably numb- staying stuck in old frequencies and levels of development when what is really needed is a quick swift kick in the pants to get us going in another direction (enter venus opposite uranus and eris!).

i leave you with ellias lonsdale’s star sparks meditation for 12 taurus. he really fleshes out this degree and full moon so well! there’s a steadfast, grounded energy present- good for grounding down and finding our root. but there’s also a fixed energy that can keep us stuck in the past. at this full moon may we wall discern if we are in fact “dragging behind the times to an extent that can be degenerative.”



Taurus 12 A very old elephant

Interior tranquillity. Mellow, rich, and resonant. Able to stay within what has proven to be true, regardless of all external factors leading every other way. Devoted to the familiar, the immediate, the tangible, the basic elements of personal life in this Earth.
Conserving vital essentials beautifully. Reaching back inside and finding the resources to stand for what is deemed to be indispensable, of timeless value. Remaining as ever in sympathetic rapport with what has been observed to be as faithful and loyal as ones own heart seeks to be.
Steadfast under pressure and tension. Grounded within tradition and memory. Remarkably unchanged from so many years ago. Stalwart in every measure.
Particularly concerned with staking out a territory that is intimate, personal, strong, enduring, and un-threatened by the winds of fate. Adamant that everything depend upon what is safe, what is stable, what is established and in it’s rightful groove.
Thick with convictions, attitudes, fixed ideas. Almost devoid of a willingness to question these or see them though. Blindly adhering to what has proven out over time. The past dictating terms to the future.
Most lost in the pride of individual lineage or backbone. Tending to foster unquestioningly that which reinforces and perpetuates bias and point of view. The picture of being able to say that one did not buckle, one kept the faith alive and could never be swayed.
A fine influence in the most common terms. Law abiding, peaceful, brimming over with goodness. Yet salty and humorous and having that common touch. Greatly valued when a steady hand is needed. Looked up to by others as one who represents something so very substantive. Yet dragging behind the times to an extent that can be degenerative.