chiron/south node- seeing and completing the past so you can move on

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Astrology Blog

i am in the middle of finishing the march monthly forecast (to be posted in an hour or so)- and we have a VERY BIG transit incoming so i wanted to post about it below.

on march 18th CHIRON COJOINS THE MEAN SOUTH NODE and on march 23rd chiron does so with the TRUE south node as well.

all month long this is in effect (and has been building since the first of the year)- with the most potency happening between march 18th and 23rd as well as in the 10 days leading up to that when the total solar eclipse, sun and mercury trigger both chiron and the south node (3/8, 3/10-11 and 3/17 respectively). and with a last hurrah from 3/29-20 when venus triggers them both as well.

what does this mean? read on (an excerpt from my monthly forecast- which is members-only content)…

chiron in pisces cojoins the mean south node 21’29 pisces, bringing and intense and focused alignment between the Wounded Healer planetoid and the karmic south node of the past. when planets cojoin the south node deep energies from the past- personally and collectively- can arise and confront us demanding to be dealt with and addressed. any tendencies towards self delusion, deception of self or others, denial of reality, avoidance of what IS, playing the victim or the martyr, and turning to addictions to numb out (tv, drugs, alcohol, shopping, internet and technology, working, exercising, sexuality and romance- anything we use to check out!) are exacerbated right now BIG TIME.

chiron can help us heal and release past karmic patterns but only when we are willing to go into the pain and suffering we have been avoiding going into by turning to the above ways of numbing out. using chiron energy consciously is NOT the easy path. and yet with chiron the wounds run deep and the longer we leave them there and don’t acknowledge and deal with them- the longer they fester and turn toxic and impact so many other areas of our lives in negative ways.

this astrology is important personally- especially if you have lots of pisces or if you have anything around 21-22 degrees of mutable signs. but it’s also very important collectively. we all need to wake up and see where we have buried our heads in the sand. we need to see what is going on on planet earth and what is happening right before our very eyes but we cannot see it (because certain people/organizations don’t want us to see) or we do not want to see it and so we pretend it is not there.

this can be a powerful aspect for awakening! but it can also entrench people even more in their patterns of delusion and denial. it’s up to each of us how we work with this energy. ‘there is no coming to consciousness without pain’ (Jung)- the only way out is through, so don’t park it on the side of the road! ‘the road to enlightenment has many tempting parking spaces.’

