When the world around us seems to be falling apart we have two choices:
1) Get knocked over by the waves incoming
2) Dive deeper
Now is the time to commit more deeply to your Inner Work, Healing & Integration.
This work will grow you, deepen you, strengthen you, empower you and open your heart!
YES you can live with an open heart with healthy boundaries!
YES you can stand in the face of fear and hate and Anchor the frequency of Love!
I am here as a friend and guide to support you on your own journey back to yourself.
We commit to this work to become more integrated and whole.
And by doing this work love, health, wealth and joy are natural byproducts.
As within, so without.
Join me for a 6-week, live online course, “Astrology & Your Shadow” starting March 10th, 2021 at 2pm PST/5pm EST.
Over the six weeks, you will learn:
- What is Shadow and what does it mean to work with with the Shadow?
- Why is this necessary work on the planet right now and imperative for human evolution?
- How can you see the Shadow in the astrology chart?
- How can you work with the Shadow?
- How can you use both Astrology & the Shadow to dive deeper?
This work gives to you as much as you give to it.
Are you ready?

We are at a significant turning point in humanity! I have personally been having dreams about this time for the last 20 years. We are all here at this time for this turning point of the Ages because each of us holds a spark of Light that is crucial to the whole!!! Yet our disowned shadow and unprocessed emotional wounds can hold us back from our ability to truly embody and live that Light so we can contribute to this Great Shift that is upon us.
I know this personally as my own wounding, pain and unresolved stuff kept me playing out the same pattens over and over. I would have dreams that were clearly me in a Higher Self state but during day-to-day life I would wonder ‘Where the heck is that part of mySelf? Why I am going over these same karmic patterns and attracting these same situations over and over?’ I was very good at being spiritual, mystical, and transcendent- so much so that I would kind of float up and out – operating from the heart chakra up and doing lots of spiritual bypassing. For me the key was going down and in. Facing the shadows was necessary before I could embody more Light.
I am still on this path of deep inner work. Truth be told- it never ends. It’s like peeling an onion- there’s always another layer to go. But the work is meaningful and has deepened me. Not only have I worked with reclaiming my rage and honoring my grief- I have also stepped into my power in more embodied ways. Because of the work I have done- and continue to do- to see more clearly within I have accessed more clarity and discernment so that I can see more clearly without. Clearing out the blockages in my emotions and body has helped me embody more, trust my intuition more, hear my inner Guidance loud and clear, love more authentically and deeply, and has even turned up my psychic channels!!!
My favorite gift of this work is the deeper Self-Love and Self-Worth I have accessed- and a more solid anchoring in myself and my Truth while still being open to reflection and continued growth. This work has been life changing for me and for that I am eternally grateful. And it is from this place of immense gratitude for this work that I share it with you.
I hope you will join me…

1st week- Introduction to Shadow Illumination: Diving into the Deep End of the Pool
- What is shadow illumination?
- Jungian model of the psyche- depth psychologically and in the astrology chart
- Personal and collective Unconscious
- The Unconscious and the shadow houses- 4th/8th/12th
- Projection in the astrology chart
- Guided meditation to meet your Shadow
2nd week- When the Past is Present
- The Moon, the Unconscious and Childhood
- Inner Child and Unconscious Conditioning
- The South Node and where we stay stuck
- Parents in the natal chart- ancestral karma
- Guided meditation with your Inner Child
3rd week- The Malefics- the Dark and the Light
- Mars- Anger and Reactivity
- Saturn- Inner Critic and Shame
- Lilith and Eris- Rage and Sexuality
- Guided practices with Reactivity and the Inner Critic
- Practice for rage- Conscious Rant
4th week- The Transpersonal Planets
- Transpersonal vs Personal
- The 3 Chalices and embodiment
- Uranus and the Higher Mind and Emotional Intimacy
- Neptune and the Higher Heart and Spiritual bypassing
- Pluto and the Higher Will or Higher Power and right use of power
- Guided meditation with the 3 Chalices
5th week- Finding Gold in the Dark
- What is the Golden Shadow?
- Ways of finding the hidden gold in our chart
- Chiron- the Wounder or the Wounded?
- Chiron as the Bridge, Chiron as the Key
- Guided meditation with Chiron
6th week- Hierosgamos- Sacred Marriage
- Anima and Animus
- The archetype of the Self
- Embodiment – putting the teachings into practice
- Guided meditation on Inner Marriage
- Taking this work forward- where to go from here?

- 6 weekly LIVE course teaching sessions
- 3 bi-weekly LIVE Q&A sessions
- Practices & Reflection Worksheets for each course session
- 5 Guided Meditations
- PDF Notes & Astrology Cheat Sheets for each week
- Access to our custom-designed, private and interactive course website
- Private Group page to connect, share and be supported in community

- The Light & Shadow of the 12 Astrology Signs PDF (for all participants)
- Eris Masterclass & Guided Meditation if you pay the full payment ($444)

Divine Harmony is a mother, mystic, astrologer, mythologist, writer and teacher. With her background in Depth Psychology and Spirituality she works to weave together the Dark and the Light, the mundane and the sacred, the depths and the heights in order to support personal awakening, healing and wholeness. She sees astrology as an amazing alchemical tool for self-understanding and living a more conscious, integrated life. Her work includes teaching at yoga and consciousness festivals, teaching beginner and intermediate astrology classes online, writing extensively and consulting with clients. She has a special interest in the Divine Feminine, the Dark Feminine, Shadow Work, Conscious Relationship and learning how to raise the new children incarnating on the planet today.

Course starts Wednesday March 10th at 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern
and runs through Saturday April 17th.
Full Schedule Details:
Wednesdays 2pm-3:30pm PST- March 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st, April 7th & 14th
3 Saturday Q&A’s at 12noon PST- March 20th, April 3rd, April 17th
All classes and Q&A’s posted in classroom to view afterwards.

What is an online course?
An online course is something you can do in the comfort of your own home. You can watch class live or tune in afterwards if you cannot make it live due to scheduling.
Do I need any special equipment?
You will need a computer with working audio (so you can hear me speak) and a good wifi connection.
What if I miss a Live Session?
If you miss a session do not worry! All classes are posted in the classroom portal within 24 hours of the class.
What are the dates and times for all the Sessions?
Wednesday Classes are at 2-3:30pm Pacific Time:
March 10th, March 17th, March 24th, March 31st, April 7th & April 14th.
Saturday Q&As are at 12-1pm Pacific Time:
March 20th, April 3rd & April 17th
I can’t attend each session live – what now?
You do not need to attend the sessions live. It is fun to be in the live class energy but if you are not able you can watch the classes afterwards in the online classroom portal. In the community group page you can connect with community and in the Q&A’s on Saturdays is when there will be live question and answer.
What about confidentiality?
We have an honor code in our group that we are here to support each other and be kind. There is no sharing of others experiences. Rule of thumb- if it’s not your story to tell don’t tell it. We will not tolerate any abusive behavior, racism, sexism or any other kind of ism. This is a safe space to heal and awaken.
Do I need strong internet skills to take this course?
You need to know how to use a computer, navigate the user-friendly online classroom and log into zoom (if you are attending live), but other than that, no!
Does the course require specific knowledge or experience?
This course is geared for all levels. If you are intermediate or advanced in Astrology and/or Shadow Work you can take your studies and inner work to the next level. If you are new to either Astrology or Shadow Work then we will meet you where you are at. Novices and Astrology students of 20+ years have both given feedback that this class was life changing. The key is doing the practices and taking the knowledge given and bring it into your lived experience. You will get as much as you give to this class- and to your inner work and evolution. And it is immensely helpful to be in community surrounded by like-minded souls committed to the same process. So join the tribe!