sun sign horoscopes

by | Oct 6, 2011 | Astrology Blog

hello friends :) i have received several emails recently asking me about sun sign horoscopes and so i thought it might be best to just post an answer here so anyone else who is wondering the same thing can find the answer to their question.

a few people who knew their charts somewhat would read for their sun sign but would be confused by what i would write. they would know that in their actual chart uranus, pluto or whatever planet i mentioned in the horoscope was in fact not in the house that the horoscope said. for example a person with their sun in cancer would read that pluto was in their 7th house of relationships, but in their chart pluto was transiting the 2nd. there was confusion about this and they wrote me to ask about it. well there is a very simple explanation :)

in horoscope columns astrologers write their horoscopes with a sun-sign focus. so when you read for cancer there is an assumption that you have cancer in your 1st house (also known as the rising sign or ascendant). but in reality this is often not true- one’s rising sign is often different than one’s sun sign. in the example above the person has a sagittarius rising- so it makes sense that pluto is in their 2nd house as capricorn (the sign pluto is in right now) is the sign that comes after sagittarius.

the reason that horoscopes are written for sun-signs is a bit complex and if you are interested in reading about it please check out eric francis’s article here- or michael lutin’s article (which you will have to try and find- i googled and came up with nothing) as they both have written wonderful articles about why sun-sign horoscopes work. needless to say- they do work! and so you can continue reading for your sun-sign as you have been doing from the beginning.

in addition i recommend that people read for their rising sign as well. from a western astrological perspective the rising sign symbolizes the personality and the mask we show the world- but from an esoteric perspective the rising sign has to do with our Soul’s journey. esoteric astrologers posit that as one aligns with their Soul more than their ego the sign that is rising (the ascendant of the chart) would take over in importance. so i recommend reading for both the sun sign and the rising sign :)

i hope that clears things up for anyone wondering about what to read ;)

by the way- there is a broken link in the ‘weekly horoscope’ tab that you click on from the ‘cosmic insight’ tab at the top as well as the box towards the bottom of the main page. my web master is working on it- but for now the only way to access the horoscopes is to click on the individual signs at the top of the page.

enjoy your day…

~divine harmony