full moon in leo: moving more deeply into self-Love

by | Feb 2, 2015 | Astrology Blog

the full moon at the 15th degree of leo is exact at 3:09pm on tuesday, february 3rd, 2015. this not only marks the midway point of the lunar cycle we are in but also the midpoint of the sign of leo, which activates the powerful, magical cross quarter points between the solstices and equinoxes. these cross quarter points are the midpoints of the seasons and they represent thresholds that we cross as one season starts to give way to another. from tuesday to wednesday of this week (february 3rd through 4th) we have the exact moment of astrological imbolc- a festival of increasing light, life, fertility and inspiration. to have this occur on the same day as the full moon means that the astrological imbolc is exceptionally potent and spending time getting clear on what we want to birth in our lives and/or energize and bring to fruition is key right now.

in addition this new moon is at the midpoint of the 1st degree aquarius new moon from january 20th and the 29th degree aquarius new moon on february 18th- marking the midway point of a major cycle of significant beginnings (1st degree) and endings (29th degree). having two aquarius new moons is the astrological definition of a blue moon (astronomically a blue moon is two new or full moons in a month- but astrologically we pay more attention to a 2nd new or full moon in the same sign as it is more significant). an astrological blue moon can only occur when the first new or full moon is a the first degree of a sign and the second is at the last- and when this bookend energy happens we have a very significant couple of lunar cycles that involve major new beginnings and major endings or completions playing out in our lives. as full moons bring check points- this week is a great time to get clear on where we are at and if we are heading in the right direction in regards to the intentions we set at the new moon on january 20th. if we are not- now is a great time to make a course correction!

this leo full moon is exceptionally potent and FIREY! the full moon is conjunct jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth and excess. jupiter can strengthen and expand things or he can overdo them and create excess. our emotional life is likely to be a reflection of this with high highs and low lows- with not many shades of gray in between. the positive use of a full moon in leo conjunct jupiter is to tap into our heart’s greatest desires, passions and creativity. leo wants to perform, create, love and be loved- and it definitely wants to be SEEN. yet the shadow side of this lunation is something we also want to be aware of so that we can navigate the expansive, fiery energies consciously. we can err too far in the other direction and become selfish, narcissistic, entitled, ostentatious and incapable of seeing and respecting other people’s needs and boundaries. tuning into where we may do this in our lives can provide us with opportunities to reign in our ego so that we are living in balance with all of life (instead of trying to dominate it and others!).

this full moon actually forms a yod or finger of God/Goddess- which is a powerful configuration with a sense of fate or destiny tied to it. in the full moon chart we have mars conjunct chiron sextile to pluto- activating the pluto/chiron sextile that has been in effect since 2012 and lasts throughout the rest of this year, bringing us deep and at times intense opportunities to heal and transform ourselves. chiron in pisces gets us into our deepest emotional and psychic wounds and pain and pluto in capricorn helps us excavate and transform structures and traditions in our lives that are no longer valid for our growth and evolution. with mars involved with these two bodies pointing to the full moon conjunct jupiter- we are being challenged to hold healthy boundaries and a positive Love of self even in the midst of this activation of our deepest pain and wounding. pluto/chiron can really take us into some intense stuff that stretches back to childhood, past lifetimes and ancestral karmic patterns we are carrying. this deep work can sometimes bury us in the darkness and the shadows- and the full moon in leo conjunct jupiter is our life line to the Light. if we are playing the victim (chiron) or playing the tyrant (pluto)- we are challenged to come back to a healthy sense of self where we are able to integrate our darkness and Light in ways that promote wholeness and embodiment of Who We Really Are. this is a great full moon for shining a Light on where we hold back our creative energy, our courage and confidence OR where we overdo it to the point of needing to be the king, queen or shining one while keeping everyone else out of the limelight.

this full moon is conjunct sisyphus- an asteroid that speaks to the greek king who was punished for being deceitful by being forced to roll a heavy, large boulder up a hill- only to see it roll back down. his curse was that he had to repeat this punishment forever. with the full moon conjunct sisyphus- we have the bright (and perhaps harsh) Light of the sun shining on deeply imbedded karmic patterns that we keep playing out over and over again, ad nausea. it is time to shift the pattern, learn the lesson, complete the karma and move on. and this full moon can certainly help us do that IF we are willing to do the work and own our part in the drama(s) playing out in our life ;)

the full moon is also conjunct the fixed star dubhe- which is about being loving, but forceful. this energy is available to us now- we can all become the Father Figures we need in our lives. the Father Figure that loves us deeply, but does not allow us to make excuses, play the victim or play it safe. dubhe on the full moon is like fierce Love- it’s the kind that wakes us up and shakes us up so we can get out of our own stupor. if we are being too narcissistic, dubhe on the full moon can pop our ego balloons. if we are being too self-loathing and self-deprecating- dubhe on the full moon can force us to see where our lack of self-Love is killing our confidence and creativity. ultimately we are each somewhere on this spectrum- and this full moon can shine a Light on where we each are personally so that we can address where we are at and where we need to go- and get very clear on what we need to do to get there.

the most positive aspects this full moon makes are to uranus and the nodes of the moon. the full moon trines uranus and the south node in aries (both of whom are just moving away from conjoining each other in january) and the full moon sextiles the north node in libra. opportunities to get REALLY CLEAR about what lies in the past and where our future is taking us- and what we need to let go of and leave behind in order for us to evolve and grow are present this week. breaking free from emotional ties, past life attachments and karmic patterns or agreements that have outlived their usefulness is the focus right now. the key to being able to do this is massive amounts of SELF LOVE. when we truly Love ourselves deeply and truly (not in a narcissistic way)- we will make healthy decisions for ourselves. we won’t hold onto a past that hurts us, we won’t stay in connections or situations that deplete us. we won’t play the martyr or the victim. we won’t engage in power control dynamics. the best use of this full moon is to anchor deeply into self-Love so that we heal ourselves from within- which will dramatically impact any and all situations we are dealing with in our external life.

in the background of this full moon chart is one other aspect configuration that is VERY IMPORTANT and colors everything we are experiencing right now and over the next 2 years. pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, is exactly opposite Sirius- the fixed star of bridging the mundane world with the mystical world. pluto will be opposing Sirius all year long and throughout 2016- bringing HUGE downloads of High Frequency Information, Wisdom, Healing and Light from beyond (some say Sirius is the Spiritual Sun of our sun). there are the mundane things happening in our personal and collective lives- but there are Transpersonal and Mystical things happening right alongside them. pluto opposite Sirius is one of these and we’d all do well to tap into this frequency and channel into our lives, not for personal gain but for collective evolution. more on this as the year progresses ;)

i hope you have a wonderful full moon with much illumination and healing of the heart this week!

many blessings…

~divine harmony