the transpersonal new moon in pisces…

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Astrology Blog

i am posting the new moon in pisces lunar insight on the public astrology blog for all to see.  this new moon is amazing- very transpersonal, chironic, deep and intense.  making use of the energies present are recommended.  read on for more info and check the weekly horoscopes for more in-depth info for your sign (be sure to read sun sign and rising sign).



a new lunar cycle commences with the new moon in pisces on saturday march 1st, exact at 12:00am PST. typically new moons are times to set things into motion, take action, set intentions and embark on new journeys. new moons resonate with the energy of aries- the alpha sign of action. yet this new moon is in pisces- the omega sign of surrender and dissolution. this oxymoron asks that we blend the yang energy of the new moon with the yin energy of the sign the new moon is in- working to find a balance in our lives between action and non-action, doing and being, taking a stand and letting go.

to add to the interesting energy of this new moon- we have ALL of the personal and social planets in either stationary motion (meaning they are standing still in the sky- set to go retrograde or direct or just having done so), slow motion or retrograde motion. mercury, mars and saturn are stationary, venus is slow and jupiter is retrograde. with all of the personal planets being limited and reigned in in some way we are likely going to feel a little frustrated. a part of us is wanting to move forward/deal with things/take action in certain areas of life- while the Universe is putting some major breaks on, or perhaps is even throwing a wrench in it all! luckily this new moon is in pisces- the sign of surrender and going with the flow. if we can tap into that Higher View Perspective and see how all the stop and go’s or redirections have a purpose- we can flow with the energy of this new moon (and this weekend!) with greater ease.

the new moon in pisces is the perfect time to set intentions and commence new things that relate to spirituality, mysticism, creativity, ideals and service. with chiron, the wounded healer, conjunct this new moon- we have MAJOR opportunities to see our wounding patterns and then get some clarity or vision about how to heal, release and move beyond them. addressing any karmic patterns we may have around denial, avoidance, codependency, addiction or victimization is key. and if none of these patterns resonate with you- then look to see how maybe you attract people into your life with these “problems” (you know they are only reflecting back to you some unaccepted part of yourself). a chironic new moon is the perfect time to take action for your own enlightenment, awareness, healing and consciousness.

what is fascinating about this new moon is that all of the personal/social planets are in stationary, slow or retrograde motion- but all of the outer/Divine planets are moving forward at a quick, brisk speed! uranus in aries, neptune in pisces, pluto in capricorn and chiron in pisces are all moving forward unhindered- bringing their transpersonal energy and Higher Vision into the mix. what is even more interesting about this is that all of these bodies aspect the new moon! neptune and chiron are conjunct the new moon, uranus is semisextile and pluto is sextile- bringing in the uranus/pluto energies of transformation and change. when outer bodies activate personal planets they bring in High Frequency energies whose sole (soul) purpose is to activate us, wake us up, sensitize us and transform us. the outer planetary energies are not liked by the ego- as the ego likes to be in control and does not want to be shocked by uranus, dissolved by neptune, dragged into the underworld by pluto or made to look at it’s deepest wounds by chiron. yet this new moon is ripe with these spiritual energies of change!

this is a great new moon for ceremony, meditation, contemplation and introspection. with the pisces energy so high- paying attention to dreams, intuitions and psychic impressions is highly recommended. the rulers of this lunation are neptune (contemporary ruler of pisces) and jupiter (ancient ruler). they are both in water signs- dredging up the emotional energy for us all to delve into and get clarity around. jupiter is retrograde but will station direct in 5 days time- so between this weekend and next weekend we have more slow/stationary planetary energy activating the matrix we all reside in.

it’s definitely a deep time right now! this astrology is a playground for the Soul and Spirit, yet for the ego it can feel more like detention. knowing when to push and when to rest, when to swim upstream and when to call it a day are going to be valuable assets this weekend and into next week. finding balance between the DOING that the world demands of us and the BEING that our Souls and Spirits need to feel fulfilled is the work right now. be sure to take time to give yourself a breather in the coming days. when things get hot under the collar or chaotic- know that this, too, shall pass!

for more information on the new moon for your sign- check the weekly horoscopes and be sure to read for sun sign and rising sign.

have a blessed new moon!

~divine harmony