the eye of the storm…

by | Jul 26, 2013 | Astrology Blog

we have some potent astrology picking up right now! ever since mars cojoined jupiter on monday july 22nd we had the beginning of something building that will last throughout august. mars/jupiter started a new cycle between these two very yang, expansive and energetic planets. the Highest expression of mars/juptier is initiating, taking action and starting something new! yet the shadow side is the tendency they both have to throw more fuel on the fire- and if the fire is already blazing then mars and jupiter can make things more intense and potentially destructive.

this weekend mars triggers the uranus/pluto square and in august jupiter will do the same. as most you probably already know- uranus square pluto is hot, intense and potent astrology! a mantra for uranus/pluto is ‘breakdowns precede breakthroughs’. anything out of balance, stuck, stagnant or no longer working in your life (personally but also collectively) is up for review during the uranus square pluto years ahead (from 2012 to 2015). uranus is the rebel and revolutionary and he brings radical and sudden change or upheaval, while pluto is the lord of the underworld and he exposes what is toxic, hidden or in the shadows. with mars and jupiter triggering these two we definitely have more fuel thrown on an already burning fire! the best use of these energies it so be motivated to take action and initiate the transformations and changes that are being asked of us. but if we are resisting, avoiding or in denial about what must change (or die so something else can be born) then the coming weekend and the coming month of august can force our hand.

this coming weekend mars in cancer will oppose pluto on saturday the 27th and mars will square uranus on wednesday the 31st. this 5 day window of time is being rocked by mars’ anger, aggression and assertive nature! yet mars is in watery, crab like cancer so we need to watch out for the tendency to passive aggression and emotional manipulation- by ourselves and by others. dealing with home/family situations and/or emotional energies that have been suppressed and denied for far too long can be a focus. on saturday the sun squares saturn as well- which is a heavy energy that forces us to address and deal with reality, rather than our dreams and fantasies. this follows a sweet, idealistic and delusional venus/neptune opposition (exact today- friday the 26th)- so the image i get is of the heights/dreams and then a cold hard look at reality. ultimately we want to find a place within us that can trust, have faith and believe while still being able to see reality and what is actually playing out in life. this weekend can be a good opportunity to find a new balance between these seemingly opposing energies and then as we bridge them finding a new way to meet and take action in the world!

in august jupiter in cancer will have moved further along to make the same aspects mars will be making this weekend. think of this weekend as a preview of what is to come in august! on august 7th jupiter will oppose pluto and on august 21st jupiter will square uranus. jupiter tends to amplify or expand what he touches- so he will amplify and expand both the breakdowns happening in life as well as the potential for breakthroughs. again, if we are working with the evolutionary energies of change and shift then we can find this time to be liberating and freeing! but if we are resisting the new and holding onto the old paradigm then our experience of this energy can be quite opposite. it’s up to us how we navigate this portal of time!

another potent energy forming right now, to become exact on monday july 29th- right smack in the middle of mars’ activation of the uranus/pluto square- is a grand sextile/star of david aspect. this configuration involves two grand trines- one in water and one in earth. the grand trine in water is formed between mars conjunct jupiter in cancer, saturn in scorpio and neptune in pisces. this grand trine was exact on july 17th through 19th but is definitely still in effect and will be throughout august. this is a sweet emotionally and spiritually opening energy that can help open and heal hearts and assist us in processing and releasing the past (particularly the emotional hold the past has over us). the other grand trine in earth is formed between the moon in taurus, venus in virgo and pluto in capricorn- aligning the two Divine Feminine planets with pluto, the great transformer. pluto is deepening, transforming and empowering the Divine Feminine and helping us to heal and shift our relationship to our bodies, to earth and to nature. with water and earth as the focus it is key that we attend to our emotional experience, our connection to the Soul (personal Soul and world Soul), our embodied experience and our connection to planet earth.

the star of david energy is POTENT but it needs to be accessed as grand trines are sweet flowing energies that don’t necessarily get used unless we access them. the activating force comes in the form of all the oppositions made between the different planets- the moon in taurus opposes saturn in scorpio, mars/jupiter in cancer opposes pluto in capricorn, and venus in virgo opposes neptune in pisces. these oppositions set up relational experiences where we are being shown our opposite and the energy we need to integrate in order to become whole. moon/saturn is the mother energy versus the father energy. learning to both nurture and caretake AND provide stability, structure and financial support is key. wherever we err to far on one side and look to someone or something else to provide the other is where our growth lies. with venus opposite neptune the focus is on the balance of the lower heart and Higher Heart. venus wants and desires what she needs to feel good, while neptune focuses on helping, healing and giving to others. if we over do the self-focus we need to work on neptune. alternatively if overgive and over do for others at the expense of ourselves, therein lies our work. and last but not least the mars/juptier opposition to pluto is all about how we work with our power and yang, masculine energy. do we assert our will and drive from a more ego-driven place? are we tuned into how we deal with power? if we tend to give it away and be passive or play the victim our focus is on stepping out of that dynamic and becoming empowered. alternatively if we tend to lord power over others and manipulate subtly or not so subtly our work is to disengage for our power-hungry ego and see the Bigger Picture that is not just based on our egos wants and desires. the oppositions between the grand trine planets creates enough tension for us to focus on what we need to focus on and work on what we need to address. without these oppositions the energy may just stay latent and unaccessible.

as you can see we are in form some amazingly potent, active and transformative astrology! coming to your home and personal life as early as today/tomorrow ;) i recommend that you focus on what is breaking down in your life right now and see where the breakthrough is needing to happen. if you are already in the breakthrough phase- yay for you! now shine your Light and show other people what is possible.

one thing is for sure…after august there will be things that are never going to be the same in our lives- personally and collectively! let’s make these changes creative, rather than destructive. let’s make them conscious, instead of Unconscious.
