spring has officially sprung (in the northern hemisphere- in the south it is fall)! as of 4:02am PDT this morning the sun moved from the last degree of pisces to the first degree of aries. this is a shift from very very yin, to very very yang, from inward to outward, from surrender to assertion, from passivity to aggression, from dissolution to coagulation. with mars and uranus all ready in aries the fires are getting hotter! on thursday venus moves into aries as well which is the official tipping point from a pisces-dominated sky to an aries-dominated sky. march madness has officially begun! ;)
what is so interesting and intense about the spring equinox chart is that all of the aries planets will be heading into activation with uranus and pluto. uranus in aries is square pluto in capricorn from 2012-2015. this long-term transit is a collective one of radical transformation and change. the last time these two planets aligned in such a dynamic way was in the 60’s- a period of rebellion, revolution and awakening. we are in the next phase of what began then, but this time the phase is in cardinal signs (aries and capricorn) which has a more dynamic, yang and action-oriented energy to it. two days after the equinox mars will align with uranus by degree and declination, making for a super aspect between the will, warrior and drive and the rebel and revolutionary. at best this energy is freeing, liberating and exciting- at worst it is impulsive, destructive and chaotic. over the weekend mars will make his way to square pluto, exact on tuesday of next week. mars is the lower will and pluto is the Higher Will. when they go head to head there is potential for power/controld dynamics. the weekend energy is HOT and tempers can flare- so we need to watch out for how we channel our aggression, anger and rage. accidents that happen are simply mis-channelled mars energy. if we consciously work with mars right now we can move mountains, but if we unconsciously misuse our mars energy we can find ourselves in all kinds of hot water!
the chart that is cast for the moment the sun moves into aries is the solar return/birthday chart for earth for the upcoming year. spring is the astrological new year, in the past the new year was aligned with the sun moving into aries and not with january 1st. we can look at the spring equinox chart to give us insights about what the upcoming year will bring. the uranus/pluto square features largely, as it does from now until 2015. but what makes this chart so fascinating and powerful is the fact that personal planets are lined up with uranus and pluto. the sun, mars and venus are involved- but so is the moon. the moon is in cancer and she is opposite pluto and square all the aries planets (sun, mars, uranus and venus). a T-square is formed by all of these planets which creates a lot of tension and friction. the moon in cancer wants home, family, safety and security. cancer does not want her boat rocked! yet with aries, uranus and pluto dominating the skies the waters are rough and the waves are building. something in the collective is coming to climax, crisis or fruition. this is also playing out on the personal level. can you feel something building in your life? it depends on the work you have done up until this point and/or what you have tried to deny or avoid as to how this energy will play out for you. this can be a culmination in your life and a moment of expansion, opening and shift! or it can be a crisis in your life and a moment of explosion, endings, and death that precedes rebirth. uranus is bringing in new life while pluto is clearing out dead wood. both parts of the cycle are necessary, but some have been clearing out dead wood for some time so they are ready for the new birth, while others have avoided that clearing out process and have to move through it first before new life can come in.
i highly recommend tuning into where the old/toxic/stagnant or stuck energy is in your life right now and doing something to clear it out. get a colonic, go on a cleanse, clean out your house, get rid of contacts in your phone or email that you are no longer using, get a new email address- do something physical and/or symbolic that lets the Universe know you are ready to let go. don’t hide things from yourself or others- as this will only cause an explosion of Truth later that probably won’t be so much fun. transparency with self and others is where it’s at right now. old shadows coming up are coming up to be cleared- not to be held on to and fought for. karmic patterns and old paradigms are ready to be broken and released- but it takes work and a certain level of mastery that we have to earn right now. luckily we have the sweet supportive energy of a grand water trine helping us to cleanse our Souls and release the past. mercury, neptune and chiron in pisces are trine to the moon in cancer and saturn in scorpio. our feelings and emotions (moon) as well as thoughts and minds (mercury) are undergoing a deep cleansing. deep emotions from the past can come up for processing and release. this is a very cathartic time! it’s like purging parasites- in order to do this you have to take very bitter herbs and go through some physical discomfort in order to get them out of your system. water is an ally right now. spend time in the water, near the water, drink lots of pure, clean water. pay attention to your dreams- as water is the element of the Unconscious and one of the main ways the Unconscious communicates to us is through the dream time. all the outer activations right now which are symbolized by the aries/uranus/pluto energy are mirrors for the inner activations right now which are supported by the water planets. the outer reflects the inner- so if you want to shift or change an outer reality you have to go to the Source.
this spring equinox is like no other! it feels like the birthing of not just a new year, but of a new paradigm and a new age. in the last 6 weeks we had a pisces-dominated sky. it was almost as if we were saying goodbye to the age of pisces with one last hurrah. now that spring has come on like wildfire we are being initiated into a new age and a new season and we are being given the opportunity to do it with a clean slate. take time in the coming 2 weeks to bring to Light/clear out all you are ready to see and release- as you are setting the stage for a new cycle to commence and you don’t want to build your future on the ghosts and the shadows of the past.
blessings on the new you are creating and living!
~divine harmony
1) i will be teaching IN-DEPTH ASTROLOGY CLASSES by webinar for 5 weeks starting wednesday april 10th (on the new moon!). the classes will go from 6pm-8pm PDT and will cover the planets, signs, houses and aspects. for more information and to sign up click here- https://www.divineharmony.org/classes
2) if you have not checked out my subscriber service you can do so and try a free week! the subscriber service includes content not available to the public- including weekly horoscopes, monthly forecast, lunar insights and more! if you want a membership but funds are tight please feel free to email me as i am open to working things out for those in need. for more info click here- https://www.divineharmony.org/?Itemid=79