nebulousness and liminal space…

by | Sep 25, 2013 | Astrology Blog

today can be a nebulous, confusing day. there are three intense aspects between libra planets and pisces planets throughout the day. with neptune and chiron in pisces involved the issues up are around boundaries, discernment, honesty, integrity, and dealing with reality rather than trying to transcend it and spiritually bypass it.

it’s a great day for reflection, meditation, contemplation and inner journeys which help us access liminal space- but when it comes to the outer world it can seem like things are dissolving, shifting, changing and/or not making any sense. a good counter balance to this energy is to do things that help you BE IN YOUR BODY while still staying open to Spirit and what lies beyond. the desire to sweep things under the carpet, pretend they are not really there (HELLO FUKUSHIMA) and/or be outright dishonest about things are powerful today.

the root chakra has to be awakened and anchored for the crown chakra energy to function properly and be integrated and acted upon. today is a great day to connect to MOTHER EARTH and FATHER SKY and ask that they connect within your heart so you are a conduit of balanced masculine/faminine energy. out of this space you can make healthy decisions and take positive action in your life based on your intuition and your research, your belief and your discernment, your Love and your wisdom.

