there is so much pisces in the sky right now- and boy is it intense! i love pisces- i have a lot of pisces/neptune energy in my natal chart. typically if you have a lot of something natally you will feel comfortable in that energy- but this deluge of pisces energy (6 planets, plus the moon on monday) is definitely uncomfortable at times! for those of us who have nothing to do all day and can just dream, meditate, retreat, cleanse and/or create- it’s great. but for those of us who have a lot of 3d reality duties to attend to- it can feel like sink or swim.
i highly recommend taking time to turn within right now. go easy on yourself and give yourself more TLC, more sleep, more liquids (not of the alcohol variey though) and more downtime. it’s all necessary to assimilate the messages coming through the ethers right now. in the last 10 days of march the frequency is going to change BIG TIME as many of the personal planets move into firey, dynamic aries and proceed to activate the uranus/pluto square. the last part of march looks to be externally intense, while the part of march we are in right now is internally intense.
pisces is the omega and aries is the alpha- so this shift is not from just one sign to another but from a surrendering/dissolving/releasing energy to an active/assertive/dynamic one. it’s the end of one cycle and beginning of another- and to do so there is a need to let go of some aspect(s) of the old and the past. right now in the pisces frequency we need to turn within so we can get clear on what exactly we need to let go of, before the rebirth can occur.
today and tomorrow (wednesday and thursday) mercury and venus activate the saturn/pluto sextile- helping us to deepen and transform our minds and hearts. all the pisces energy present right now is VERY different than the saturn/pluto energy. where pisces seeks bliss, release, transcendence and Love- saturn seeks mastery and stability and pluto seeks to understand shadow and come into power. pisces is like the sweet and innocent (and perhaps in denial) persephone picking flowers in the field. and saturn/pluto is hades taking her down into the underworld. somewhere in our lives we are being stripped of naivete so that we can see Truth. yet we don’t want to stay stuck in the victim stance of this as then we will simply become jaded. the true meaning of the myth of persephone is how the Light feminine came into her own power and became Queen in her own right (essentially integrating her Dark feminine). the pisces part of our chart is where we growing up right now- with growing pains included. and the scorpio/capricorn parts of our chart are the areas that growing up is supported. for more information check your weekly horoscopes :)
i hope you find time to honor your inner journey and honor your past as you release it. at the spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere, fall equinox in the south) things will rev up considerably. take time now to rest and get your ducks in a row. there won’t be much time for this once spring has sprung!
~divine harmony