lunar to solar samhain: it is darkest before dawn

by | Nov 7, 2013 | Astrology Blog

well i don’t know about you but the past 5 days have been DEEP and INTENSE. on 11/1 we had the mainstream celebration of samhain- but based on my understanding the true samhain occurs at two important astrological times. one is called lunar samhain- which is the new moon in scorpio- and the other is solar samhain- which is when the sun moves to 15 degrees of scorpio. this samhain season we had mainstream samhain occur during the dark moon and lunar samhain was a few days later on 11/3. this is rare and really amps up the energy of endings and new beginnings. to the celts samhain was their new year celebration. it’s the beginning of the darkest dark and out of this is where new things/new life gets created. of course you can only start anew if you have released the past- so samhain is a time to release/let go/purge so that you are clear and empty and ready to start a new cycle.

today marks the solar samhain- the day that the sun is at 15 degrees of scorpio. for the last 5 days- from 11/3 to 11/7- we have been in a fertile, intense and deep period taking us from lunar to solar, moon to sun, Unconscious to Conscious. a medicine man on Facebook just posted that the last 5 days have been a period of intense darkness. when asked what these periods of darkness are about his response was: “They are dips in human emotional coherence of our collective emotional bodies. Quite literally they are periods of heavy stagnation brought about through processing, or being triggered. They are symptomatic of ‘a loss of hope’ in humanity – a period where people fall into ‘seeing is believing’ and what they see is not good. Our prescription is ‘believing is seeing’ and to emote more positively to change what is in and around us.” he also says they have nothing to do with astrology or retrograde periods- but i have to disagree there as they totally do relate to the cycles of the cosmos and the planets/stars/movements around us. but this makes sense to me as all true oracles should be transmitting the same message. he may get his information differently- but it correlates with astrology for sure! (for more info look for Algonquin Medicine Man on FB).

so today is the last day of this potent dark, samhain period. interestingly 15 degrees of scorpio is also the last degree of the via combusta- the ‘fiery road or way’ in the zodiac that spans from 15 libra to 15 scorpio. these degrees are often seen as debilitated or malefic- although i don’t see them this way. i see them as akin to dark moon energies which are about confronting the shadow/the depths/the Soul and release, purging, letting go and dying so something new can be birthed. with the sun moving through the last degree of the fiery way- today is a great day to really, truly and whole-heartedly LET GO of all the crap/baggage/shit/history/shadow/energy you have taken on or held onto for far too long.

take time today to GO WITHIN and CLEAR YOUR INNER SPACE! another round of powerful astrology is coming our way next week ;) your ability to surf the bigger astrological waves coming is related to your ability to dump the baggage you are dragging around with you on your surf board. get it? ;)


~divine harmony