losing hope and finding it again…

by | Aug 27, 2014 | Astrology Blog

i had a reader email me asking about what is going on astrologically that would cause so much hopelessness in people? she personally knows a lot of people going through really intense stuff- full of despair, losing hope and some even hitting rock bottom in their lives. because i know for a fact this will resonate with a lot of people out there- i decided to write a blog about it for everyone to see (the questioning reader suggested i write a blog as well!).

there are a lot of things going on astrologically right now that contribute to the intense frequency we are all feeling. of course, i want to state up front what may be the obvious: personal transits always trump planetary ones when it comes to intense things playing out in your own life. if you know your transits, then you know what you are going through- but if you don’t and you are in a particularly intense time, you might consider getting an astrological reading to help you get some clarity on the Bigger Picture that is unfolding in your life. yet the planetary activity is also significant- particularly if something playing out for everyone also happens to be activating something in your chart. to learn about what is going on in the skies for everyone, read on…

the big thing that is up for earth-bound beings right now is a huge configuration between mars/saturn, venus/black moon lilith, mercury, chiron and uranus. this alignment includes more than half of the main bodies in the sky- which is one of the reasons why it is so signifiant. mars aligned with saturn this past monday and he quicunxed uranus last friday- so the warrior, will and drive has been triggering the saturn/uranus quincunx. this very intense dynamic has been in effect since last year- but it really got heated up in july when both saturn and uranus stationed in precise aspect to each other. the push/pull between the old and the new, the past and the future, stability and change is really intense right now. it’s interesting to note that both saturn and uranus are in mars-ruled signs- so having mars trigger them is a recipe for action, reaction or impulsivity (depending on how you work with the energy that comes up). we are being asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives- and we are being asked to take personal responsibility for where we are at in life. this is not a time to project and point the finger outside of ourselves. it’s a time to step up and own who we are, where we are and what we need to do to shift things in our lives. essentially we are being called out to make changes to the structure and fabric of our lives- and for some people the necessary changes are foundational. this can incite a lot of anxiety and fear- as changing the foundation of something means we need to deconstruct the whole entire thing. it’s one thing to make superficial changes- change our clothes, change our hair style, buy new curtains, paint the house a new color. it’s quite another thing to change where we are rooted and anchored in our lives- physical, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. and those that are going through this right now are IN IT in a very deep way.

now enter in venus and black moon lilith. they align exact tomorrow (thursday)- but today venus square mars and yesterday venus squared saturn. there is an intense alignment happening between the Divine Lovers- and if saturn were not there this could be quite creative. but because the Lord of Karma and Father of Time is involved- we can find ourselves being pushed to our limit, hindered, frustrated, forced to deal with shit we thought we put to sleep (or swept under the carpet). a big area of manifestation for this astrology is in relationships (they are the Divine Lovers after all), but it’s also in our values, our self-worth, our anger and control issues, and how we deal with power (do we give it away, do we lord it over others?). there can be many a person right now pushed to their edge- and depending on how flexible they are they may feel like they are ready to snap! (i recommend steering clear of the snapping people if you can!)

we also have chiron featured in the astrology right now big time. he is the wounded healer, with the sole focus of bringing our awareness to our biggest wounds and pain so we can heal them and release the Unconscious hold they have on us. chiron has been sweetly aspecting mars/saturn and uranus- but he is quincunxing venus and black moon lilith and opposing mercury. the full moon on september 8th is conjunct chiron- and next week chiron will be perigee, meaning his orbit will be closest to earth and his energy will be felt more intensely. with such a strong chiron signature- we are being plumbed down into our depths, going down (or being dragged down- as the case may be) into our psyches to ferret out the deep wounds and pain that clog us up and make us ineffectual in our relationships and in our lives in general. this is intense stuff- and people usually don’t go willingly into their wounds and pain. so this often comes by way of situations and relationships outside of us that activate the deep stuff inside. because of this it can be very easy to project and say that someone else is doing something to me, someone else is causing my pain. yet this is not the case. even in the most intense situations we find ourselves in- there is always something we can do differently. the task is to figure out just what that is- be it an action, a change of perspective or a change in how we react. we attract people who are mirrors for us- so that they can shine a Light on our pain and wounds in a way that forces us to address that which we have avoided dealing with for a very long time (maybe years, maybe lifetimes).

of course in the background of all of this we have the uranus/pluto square- shaking things up, waking us up, breaking things down and hopefully helping us break through. and that is the key in all of this. when we feel hopeless and in despair- that is a sign that we are at that point of transition which means the (new) birth is immanent. this can feel really, really shitty- but it’s also that very place where our warrior can come online, realizing that nothing is going to change unless I CHANGE. and that is the best part of uranus in aries in my opinion. uranus in aries is waking up our individual and collective need to act, to effect change, to not just sit on the sidelines playing the victim and feeling sorry for ourselves. of course that is a normal part of the grieving process- so i am not suggesting we just bypass that part. we need to go into our vulnerability and really feel our pain- not just shut it down or stuff it. but we also don’t want to get stuck in that place of victimization and feeling sorry for ourselves- and it’s very easy to get stuck there. the longer we don’t act, the longer we stall, the longer we sit on the sidelines waiting for something or someone to do it for us- the harder it becomes to stand back up and do whatever it is we need to do. F Scott Fitzgerald said ““One should . . . be able to see things as hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.” that is the antidote to hopelessness- determination. and let me tell you saturn in scorpio in mutual reception with pluto in capricorn is about as determined and focused as you can get. all you have to do is access that indomitable energy- rather than fear it.

i will say that these first 8 months of 2014 have been intense. i had said in july that things would lighten up in august but i had not been looking at the minor aspects and black moon lilith’s involvement (i was working with true BML which makes aspects that last weeks or months and just switched to mean recently which makes aspects exact on one particular day- so that accounts for my not seeing the bold face type on this week and last week’s astrology). i know there is a tendency to think ‘when is this going to let up?!’ but i have come to a place where i am realizing not only is that not a helpful question- it also puts me in the position of a victim where i am waiting for the planetary intensity to ease up on me. so instead, i am now working on being pro-active about the changes i need to make in my life. instead of asking when this will let up- i ask myself when will i step up? instead of asking for a break, i ask for more strength. yes there are some easy breezy aspects coming in- and they will be lovely. but i cannot tell you that such and such a date is when everything will ease up. we are all in our own personal alchemical cauldron- moving through the transformation of a lifetime! it is up to each of us how we work with these intense energies- we can use them creatively or destructively, passively or actively, consciously or Unconsciously. the best thing we can do with this astrology right now is to become an activist for our best life, and step by step move into the direction our Soul is guiding us. and for each of us that is very, very personal. so some honest self-reflection and inward journeying is highly recommended- as the clarity you seek you will only, truly find within!

blessings on your path…

~divine harmony