full moon in taurus conjunct algol

by | Nov 15, 2013 | Astrology Blog

hello friends/readers :)  here is the lunar insight on this potent full moon in taurus conjunct algol.  this midway point of the current lunar cycle is powerful and i wanted to share my insights on it.

full moon illumination blessings to you!

~divine harmony


the full moon in taurus is exact on sunday 11/17/13 at 7:16am PST. this marks the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the powerful, intense and karmically significant solar eclipse in scorpio on 11/3/13. we have been in some VERY DEEP and INTENSE energy of late. i am sure you have felt it- but if it has not impacted your personal life all you have to do is look at what is going on in the world (the philippines, fukushima. etc…). because we are all a microcosm of the macrocosm- we are all interconnected and we are all impacted.

this full moon packs a punch- right in line with the potent energies we have been navigating of late. as a little reminder on 11/1/13 we had the last uranus/pluto square of the year, and the 4th in a series of 7 that last until 2015. that day there was a shooting at LAX that yours truly happened to be 100 feet away from when it all went down. talk about intense and in the eye of the storm! there have been many storms brewing- personally, collectively- and no doubt we are all surfing some larger waves these days!

the full moon always occurs when the sun is exactly opposite the moon. so this full moon involves the taurus/scorpio axis. the sun is in watery, deep and intense scorpio and it is opposite the moon in earthy, grounded, stubborn taurus. scorpio is the sign of trans-form-ation, while taurus is the sign of solidifying form. scorpio teaches us how to let go and die (metaphorically, but also literally)- while taurus teaches us how to hold on and enjoy life. with this potent axis highlighted a big thing that can be up for us right now is the fine art of knowing when to hold on and knowing when to let go. it is interesting that the ruler of the full moon (venus) and the ruler of the sun (pluto) just came out of conjunction (exact on friday the 15th)- amplifying their intensity and taking us all into the underworld in some way. venus with pluto is reminiscent of persephone’s abduction- where pluto, the lord of the underworld, whisks away the innocent and naive kore (her name before her fall). we are all being asked to take down our innocent and naive masks and defenses so that we can see and own our relationship with power, sexuality, control, manipulation, death and destruction. we each have a relationship to these aspects of life- some of us are afraid of them and deny them, while others are obsessed with them. but we all have some space on the continuum that is up for review this week for sure!

this full moon is highly aspected and as such super potent. to start, we have the full moon conjunct algol- the eye of medusa. traditional, patriarchal astrology tells us that this is the demon star. it’s seen as very negative and destructive- which in truth is one part of its manifestation. but to know more about this star you have to dig into the history of medusa. current mythology will tell you she is ugly, evil and out to destroy the great heros of greek mythology. but pre-patriarchal culture we had a matriarchal culture (Goddess ruled) and during that time in history (or rather HERstory) medusa was not a destructive, evil Goddess. she was revered, wise and beautiful- and everything about her was symbolic. the snakes in her hair represented the Goddess, wisdom and kundalini. her ability to turn man to stone upon looking at him was her ability to see beyond the facade of the ego to get to the Truth. what she shattered was the EGO- and as such patriarchal consciousness that is largely based on ego had/has a lot of fear around her (and all her Dark Goddess counterparts).

algol on the full moon has many potential manifestations. on one end the rage, anger and destructive impulses of the feminine or the Unconscious can get unleashed. yet on the other end her ability to see beyond the facade and get to the Truth is amplified right now. if we are ready, willing and able to face our own inner demons, shadows and distortions we can shine a Light on what needs to be released, rather than repressed. releasing this energy is akin to releasing repressed energy in a pressure cooker that would otherwise cause an explosion if left trapped for far too long. knowing how to release it (slowly, steadily) is key- as accidents can happen if we are not working with the shadow realms consciously. this full moon has the potential to bring up all manner of things for us to look at, address and own. this is not a time to bury your head in the sand or pretend things are not going down. this is a time to engage and show the Universe what you are made of!

to add to this Dark Goddess theme, we have a lot of Dark Goddess aspects all over the chart. black moon lilith is conjunct retrograde jupiter in cancer, dark moon lilith is conjunct saturn, square juno and square asteroid lilith- creating a T-square between the two liliths, saturn and the asteroid Goddess of partnership and marriage (juno). we also have the asteroid Goddesses pandora and arachne conjunct pluto. and last but not least we have schedir- the fixed star that speaks to the Queen and female power conjunct the south node. this is a lot of fierce, intense energy- and the whole focus of all of them is to SHINE A LIGHT ON THE SHADOW TO MAKE IT KNOWN. the gifts of the Dark Goddess are magic, prophecy, and seeing into the shadow realms. her ability to SEE and KNOW is feared, but it is also very much needed right now on planet earth. with venus just past her conjunction to pluto and saturn approaching his last square to juno- relationships are a huge arena for growth and shadow dancing- where transformation, death and rebirth are necessary processes. but it’s not just relationships that will be touched by this astrology- anywhere there are power differentials, where there is toxicity, shadow and outright deception- this full moon can help to amplify, illuminate, bring to things or information to fruition, climax or crisis. interestingly this full moon is square the USA’s moon in aquarius opposite black moon lilith in leo- activating a lot of Unconscious material for our country to navigate (seems pretty much par for the course these days).

a few more things of significance about this full moon…the uranus/pluto square activates this full moon. uranus semisquares the moon and pluto sesquiquadrates it. from thursday to saturday (14th-16th) both venus and the sun triggered the uranus/pluto square- so we can see this full moon as the grand finale so to speak of a week where breakdowns and breakthroughs are the main event. major activation of the shifts, changes, shake ups and wake up calls going on in our lives is present this week. we have been in this uranus/pluto frequency since 2012- so it’s nothing new. but when personal planets like venus, the sun or the full moon activate the uranus/pluto square we are able to feel them more personally and directly. and to have all of this happen right on the heels of the powerful eclipse portal we just went through amplifies the energy tenfold (or more!).

last but not least- neptune is involved in this lunation. neptune squares the sun/moon opposition (widely and out of sign)- and in the hours and week or so that follows this full moon both the sun and moon will move forward to precisely activate neptune in pisces. neptune is conjunct atlantis- an asteroid that speaks to the ancient mythological (and in my opinion real) land where our love of power overcame our power of Love. from this out of balance place atlantis fell- and the whole civilization is said to have disappeared overnight due to some catastrophic, cataclysmic event. i feel that atlantis on neptune is a reminder to us today about how easy it is to repeat the history of the past. we are on a precarious edge in the history of humanity. some say there’s still time to shift into a new direction, while others say it’s too late. personally i think it’s not too late- and even if it is too late it does not serve me to think this way or i will become apathetic. we have too many apathetic people on this planet! we need everyone to wake the F up!

may this full moon serve as a reminder that we have choice and that if we want to stay embodied on earth for much longer we better make some dramatic shifts- globally as well as personally, socially as well as spiritually.

i leave you with this piece from dr helen caldicott…

hope for the Earth lies not with leaders, but in your own heart and Soul.
if YOU decide to save the Earth…it will be saved.
each person can be as powerful as the most powerful person who ever lived!
and that is YOU…if you love this planet.

~divine harmony