friday the 13th

by | Apr 12, 2012 | Astrology Blog

i love friday the 13th.  western culture has a stigma about it being evil and unlucky, but if you look deep into the roots of both friday and the number 13 you will find some interesting mysteries hidden there.  friday is vendredi in french- named after the goddess Venus.  yes, friday is venus’ day!  13 is also deeply connected to the Goddess- it is one of her sacred numbers, there are 13 lunar cycles each year, and the progressed moon moves 13 degrees each year.  let’s not forget the maligned 13th sign ophiuchus which is associated with kundalini, healing and magic (all Dark Goddess areas of expertise) and the debased 13th apostle- Mary Magdalene- and maybe you start to see the funny distorted picture…?  we call a day that is most connected to the Goddess evil- just as we have demonized, repressed and controlled the empowered Divine Feminine for millenia.  anyone else out there ready to change the tradition???

it is interesting to note that this friday the 13th mars, the counterpart to venus, stations direct.  the warrior and the masculine side of ourselves has been under construction.  while doing this inward/backwards journey in virgo a huge part of the process has been to discern, gain clarity, get organized and efficient.  wherever virgo is in your chart is the area to clean up.  as mars stations direct on venus’ sacred day we have an opportunity to find balance between the masculine and feminine.  sometimes the masculine (in ourselves, in others, in the world) needs to slow down (go retrograde) and wait for the more receptive/softer/yin energy of the feminine to catch up.  at other times the masculine needs to allow the more intense/passionate/powerful parts of the Goddess to express herself- a la kali or lilith.  with the sun/saturn opposition on sunday happening in the signs of mars and venus respectively we have a big balancing check point in our relationships with others (romantically as well as otherwise) and more importantly with ourselves and our own inner masculine/feminine balance.

the rest of the week (from friday-sunday) has a lot going on with the Goddess.  on saturday juno, the asteroid goddess of partnership and the counterpart to venus, cojoins the evolutionary north node at 5’55 sagittarius- demanding evolution in partnerships rather than stagnation and repetition of old karmic patterns.  at the same time venus makes a tense aspect to pluto- dragging us into the underworld in relationships and asking us to look at our shadow.  then on sunday as the sun opposes saturn, uranus will trine juno- opening up new energy in our partnerships!  this brings new life into our connections OR it helps us complete connections that no longer serve our highest growth.  the only thing uranus is interested in is our evolution- so whatever is holding us back from stepping up and growing is likely to get pulled out like a rug from underneath us over the coming years as uranus squares pluto.  i recommend being proactive and dealing with the rug first ;)

this weekend is a great time to honor the Goddess- within and without- as well as do some deep work in relationships/on ourselves regarding the masculine/feminine balance.  saturn can feel heavy- but with mars direct and juno/NN trine uranus in fire signs we have a lot of passion and creative energy on our side to blast through what holds us back and reach for the stars!


~divine harmony