Fierce Love…

by | Mar 7, 2015 | Astrology Blog

good morning everyone! happy saturday :) there are two different focuses today- which ultimately boils down to MARS IN ARIES and NEPTUNE IN PISCES- the two planets dominating the skies right now.

throughout the day the MOON IN LIBRA triggers the MARS/SOUTH NODE CONJUNCTION that was exact yesterday. the moon will be conjunct the NORTH NODE and opposite MARS and the SOUTH NODE in a few hours. to add to this MARS CONTRAPARALLELS THE NORTH NODE tonight- making a SUPER ASPECT out of the mars/south node conjunction which amplifies and perhaps exacerbates their combined energy.

as i said yesterday- mars/south node is great for breaking free from karmic, limiting patterns and truly being done with something (be it an old way of believing, an attitude, a relationship, situation or more). the HIGHEST expression of mars in aries is being a warrior, an activist, a pioneer and going where people fear to tread! yet there is a BIG SHADOW side of mars in aries and because the karmic south node is involved this shadow side is especially potent. repressed or over expressed mars in aries energy can come out as aggression, passive aggression, violence, accidents, rage and impulsivity. yesterday we needed to be aware of this and we most certainly do today (and honestly for the next 10 days as mars moves into trigger the URANUS PLUTO SQUARE next week and a week later we have the 7th and final uranus/pluto square).

another focus today is the SUN/CHIRON CONJUNCTION later this evening (around 9pm PST). the sun brings illumination to things and with chiron the bright and perhaps harsh Light of consciousness is shining on our deepest wounds and pain. seeing our patterns of avoidance, denial, illusion, delusion, victimization or martyrization is key today. we cannot heal what we cannot feel and we cannot move beyond what we cannot see- so taking time to go deep into our wounds and pain so we can get to the Source is key. of course we want to go in to move through- not get stuck IN them. with PISCES highlighted we have to watch out for our tendency to get stuck in victim consciousness or perhaps turn to addictions to ignore or deny the deeper feelings that are trying to surface. ultimately sun/chiron can bring amazing opportunities for healing and expansion of awareness- but that only happens when we are willing to go down and in, rather than up and out.

the reason that MARS IN ARIES and NEPTUNE IN PISCES dominate the skies is that all the other planets are ruled by them (i.e. uranus in aries is in the sign of mars, so mars rules him. jupiter is in leo, ruled by the sun in pisces which is ruled by neptune. you can do this with all the planets in the sky and they will all boil down to mars and neptune). these two energies are quite different- mars in aries is the ALPHA sign, neptune in pisces is the OMEGA sign. mars in aries asserts, neptune in pisces surrenders. mars in aries is focused outward, neptune in pisces is focused inward. this can be felt as a battle between ego and Spirit, or war and peace! but if you combine these two together you can get the Spiritual Warrior who takes action on his or her Highest Ideals. you also get Fierce Love which deals with intense situations head on but also completely centered in the heart. so throughout this week and the coming weeks tune into where you are defaulting to these two and see where you can bridge them so they work together more effectively!

there are many tempting parking spaces on the road to enlightenment! this week and month is definitely not a time i recommend finding a comfy, cozy parking space. it’s high energy and it can carry you through and beyond much of what has been holding you back for years, maybe lifetimes! so stay on the road, keep a clear vision and put one foot in front of the other. the journey is just as valuable, if not more, than the destination! so stay present to the now and see what this now moment has to offer you!

many blessings…
