feeling the cancer tides pulling you in (or under)?

by | Jun 26, 2013 | Astrology Blog

cancer is the sign of the moment! the sun, mercury retrograde, venus and jupiter are all found in the watery sign of emotion, subjectivites, attachments, home, family and connection to (or karmic ties to) the past. in addition black moon lilith (the Dark Goddess energy) and vesta (the priestess energy) are in cancer- bringing even more Divine Feminine energy to the mix. the cancer area of your chart is where the action is at right now!

there are two things going on with the cancer placements. on one hand they are all forming a Grand Water Trine with saturn and neptune- bringing a sense of emotional expansion, feeling orientation, home/family focus and potential for spiritual awakening/opening/healing. on the other hand the cancer planets are one by one activating the uranus/pluto square- which is all about breakdowns and breakthroughs. it’s almost as if one part of the cancer energy is falling apart, while another is coming together in a great form or whole.

the next several weeks should be interesting- pay close attention to july 1s through 3rd as the sun will trigger the uranus/pluto square, bringing more focus on what is falling apart or breaking down and where the breakthroughs are possible. on july 7th saturn stations direct- bringing focus on karmic limitations, cold hard realities and where our mastery and personal responsibility lies. and then on july 17th uranus stations retrograde- bringing focus to change, revolution and rebellion (internal and external). expect disruptions of your sense safety and security on the days surrounding this station- particularly if you are holding onto old paradigm structures/traditions/obligations or expectations (of yourself or of others) that are no longer valid.

from the 17th to the 19th is when the Grand Water Trine perfect itself. on the 17th jupiter in cancer trines saturn in scorpio and neptune in pisces and on the 19th saturn trines neptune. this is a very tight grand trine- usually a trine’s exactness unfolds over weeks, not just 3 days. the opportunities for deep spiritual and emotional healing, expansion and shift are powerful! with water signs involved the Soul is where we need to focus. as the external structures in life fall apart- the Soul is ensuring that they are indeed for our Highest good. this beautiful energy is like a balm for the Soul and it’s akin to finding a water source in the middle of a long, hot and dry desert. the cancer part of our chart is both the area of life on fire and it’s also the area of life that sustains us. looking to see the twofold nature of the cancer part of charts can be very introspective at this time.

and last but not least on the 20th mercury stations direct in cancer- conjunct the fixed star sirius, which is all about bridging the sacred and the profane! opportunities to realize our dreams are headed our way! the key over the coming weeks is to be sure those dreams are of the Soul and Spirit- as ego driven dreams are likely going to experience fall out in the days and weeks to come.

yours in the stars,

divine harmony