between a rock and a hard place…

by | Jul 15, 2014 | Astrology Blog

we have some big astrology going on right now. on the one hand we have expansive, benevolent jupiter at the last degree of cancer and set to move into leo (where he will stay for the next year) tomorrow. essentially we are getting the last fruits and benefits from the cancer area of our chart- and starting tomorrow jupiter will be focusing his expansion and positivity on the leo areas of our chart (check the weekly horoscopes for more info).

on friday venus sweetly connects with jupiter- making venus the first planet that activates jupiter in his new home sign of leo. this bodes well for the coming jupiter transit- as the two benefics sweetly aligning foretell of pleasure, fun, beauty, connection and integration of the masculine and feminine within and without (considering venus is in the sign of the moon and jupiter is in the sign of the sun).

yet we still have some intense astrology playing out this week- one of which is the T-square forming between the sun, mars and the nodes. this brings the two masculine energies of ego (sun) and will/drive (mars) into a place of tension. add in the nodes and i see a pivotal point of choice for us all where we can either keep on doing the same old, same old- and keep on playing out the old karmic patterns (associated with the south node). OR we can chose the north node and grow beyond our boundaries, limitations and fears- going into uncharted territory and expanding ourselves in the process. with the north node in libra- our growth is tied up with our ability to work towards balance, peace and harmony (within ourselves and without in the form of situations/relationships in our lives). it’s also tied up with our ability to navigate relationships with collaboration, compromise and interdependence- rather than codependence OR fierce independence.

another powerful celestial occurrence happens at the end of this week and start of the next one. on sunday saturn stations direct in scorpio- but all week long (and likely even before) we have been feeling him slow down to come to a standstill before he stations direct. when planets are stationary (at a standstill) they are the most powerful in the sky. with saturn stationary themes of responsibility, mastery, integrity and maturity are highlighted- as are themes of limitation, restriction, repression and depression. yet saturn is not the only stationary planet in the sky! on monday the 21st uranus stations retrograde- so all week long uranus is also slowing down to come to a standstill in the sky. so we essentially have a stand off between these two, who just happen to also be in tense aspect to each other (quincunx).

where saturn is grounding, uranus is uprooting. where saturn is the past, uranus is the future. where saturn prefers safety and security, uranus prefers change and the unknown. uranus at best liberates us and sets us free- but if we are bound (by saturn) to things of the past then uranus sometimes needs to turn us upside down and shake us up in order to get us to release what we have our hold on (like the hanged man tarot card). so with this push pull energy it can feel like we are in between a rock and a hard place. one part of us says stay, while the other says go. one part says be patient, wait- while the other part is chomping at the bit for change.

when these two heavy hitters get into tense aspect- and in this case it’s by degree as well as by station (meaning they both are stationing at the same time- competing with each other for dominace of the sky)- we need to be REALLY AWARE of our fears (saturn) and impulses (uranus), as it can be very easy to be run by them Unconsciously and not be aware of it. in 2009 saturn and uranus were opposite each other- so perhaps think back to what was going on for you then to get a feel for how these energies combine.

the best use of these two is to find that tenuous balance between the two- where we know what matters most in our lives and we hold onto that (people, situations, dreams, morals) and we know what is ready to be released/changed/transformed and we allow that to happen. saturn sees the baby, uranus sees the bathwater. we want to be sure we keep the baby, not the bathwater- not any other combination of the two (keep them both, get rid of them both, keep the bathwater and get rid of the baby).

once both saturn and uranus move away from their stations and start to pick up speed in their respective directions- we will feel a palpable shift in the frequency in our personal and collective lives. since the beginning of 2014 we have had one intense planetary retrograde after another, not to mention the powerful month of april with the Grand Cross astrology, uranus/pluto square and eclipses! now that all the personal planets are direct- and mars is just about out of his backend shadow- we will start seeing situations move forward, clarity come forth and new energy and vitality infuse our lives. we just have one little bit more of the underworld journey to go.

so hang on in there! and look for the Light at the end of the tunnel. and if you already feel you are there- great! give some of that happiness and positivity back to others to inspire them to complete their own underworld journeys. we have all been in some very deep places of late. yet deep is good as it helps you get in touch with your own Soul. pretty soon it will be time to take all that you realized and got in touch with back into the Light of day/consciousness so you can fully integrate it.

this week really is like being in the hallway where one door is closing and another is opening. it’s up to us to choose what we are going to focus on and what we are going to energetically carry with us into our future. what will you choose?

~divine harmony