a powerhouse weekend approaches…

by | Jul 3, 2015 | Astrology Blog

happy friday- the day of the Goddess (friday is vendredi in french which is named after venus). we are heading into a VERY POWERFUL portal this weekend. on sunday the 5th the sun will cojoin sirius- the Spiritual Sun of our sun. pluto will also oppose sirius the same day (and he is doing this all year long). the next day on 7/6 the sun will oppose pluto- so this sun/sirius conjunction opposite pluto is exact sunday and monday but it is in effect starting today and will last the next 5 or 6 days.

during this auspicious time i will be celebrating the dalai lama’s 80th birthday with him in LA! he has sirius on his sun and so does our country. for more info on this you can read my blog linked below. all sacred ancient cultures have connections to sirius- and many of them will tell stories about how Higher beings came to earth in alien ships and landed here and taught them sacred knowledge and helped earth beings evolve technologically and spiritually. this star is a bridge or a gateway between the mystical and mundane, the sacred and the profane, this world and other worlds.

if that is too woo-woo for you then you can instead just focus on the more mundane meaning of sirius which is about uniting heaven and earth within (which is what evolution and psychological growth is about) so that you can experience it without. (i know that doesn’t really sound mundane but in comparison to talking about aliens it’s more so ;)

this is a HUGE WEEKEND. make use of the energy in the best way possible. and stay open to inspiration, downloads, insights and aha moments! stay open to grace :)

yours in the stars…


