a grand cross new moon in libra: changes in relationships

by | Sep 28, 2013 | Astrology Blog

hello friends!  tomorrow i am heading to esalen to co-teach a workshop with my husband.  i will be mostly off the grid and my internet access will be minimal- so if you email me please know that i will respond when i can.

this week’s astrology is POWERFUL and the new moon on friday initiates us into a very intense, potentially transformative lunar cycle.  i am posting it here on the public astrology blog for all to see.  forewarned is forearmed!   knowing about the energies coming can help you navigate them with consciousness and hopefully mastery!  things of this new moon like the tower card in a tarot deck.  it’s all about things falling apart so that something new can come together.

blessings on your sacred path!

~divine harmony


the new moon in libra is exact on friday, october 4th at 5:35pm PDT. the new lunar cycle that commences with this new moon will culminate in a blood moon lunar eclipse in aries on october 18th. we are entering into the last eclipse portal of the year- so rev up those engines as the energy is about to get HOTTER!

new moons are typically times to set intentions, plant new seeds and set off in new directions or on new journeys. a new moon in libra is usually a great time for relationship, compromise, collaboration, connection, peace and harmony. yet this new moon in libra is not typical in any way, shape or form- so don’t expect your typical new moon in libra events!

the most powerful configuration made by this new moon is a Grand Cross that forms between the sun/moon conjunction in libra opposite uranus in aries, square pluto in capricorn and square black moon llith in cancer (with jupiter in cancer in wide orb as well). a Grand Cross activates a lot of energy and having the heavy hitter duo of uranus/pluto featured let’s us know that the breakdown/breakthrough energy that permeates life on this planet right now is going to be a feature of the upcoming lunar cycle. to add to this uranus is conjunct nemesis and eris- two greek goddess asteroids associated vengeance and discord! this potent cocktail of energy can go one of two ways- explosions, disruptions, conflict and violence OR dramatic, cathartic, transformative shifts and changes that help bring shadow to Light so we can integrate it, heal it and release it’s Unconscious hold on us.

with the rebellious and revolutionary energy of uranus, the underworld energy of pluto, the powerful and dark energy of black moon lilith, and the two asteroid Goddesses energy all funneling into the sun/moon conjunction in libra- it is in our relationships with others that we are most likely going to experience the Grand Cross energies (akin to bearing a cross OR being nailed to one?). libra seeks balance, peace, harmony and connection- but the energy of this new moon is more about disrupting the peace, unearthing the shadow and perhaps even severing connections that no longer serve. it’s not your usual walk in the park new moon in libra- no siree!

in addition to the aspects mentioned above, the sun/moon conjunction is also quincunx to chiron- bringing up old wounds and pain and forcing us to look at our addiction to others, issues with enabling and codependency, unhealthy boundaries and/or our desire to be in denial about what is really going on in relationships in our lives. both libra and pisces like to keep things pretty and idealistic- but the energy at this new moon and during the upcoming lunar cycle is not going to be all pretty or all ideal. learning how to balance seeing the possibilities/the beauty/the Soul of everything and everyone with the ability to reality and what is currently presenting itself is key. both libra and pisces can see the potential in someone/something but that potential may not be realized for 10 more years or 10 more lifetimes and decisions made about engaging today need to be based on this now moment.

the sweetest aspects the sun/moon conjunction makes is a semisextile to saturn in scorpio and two sweet aspects to the asteroid Goddesses pallas and vesta. with saturn involved we have an anchoring energy that can either help us to face things that need to be faced and move forward in life with maturity and mastery OR it can be an energy what forces us to deal with what we have been avoiding, almost like a chain tethering us to a problematic situation until we finally get it and learn the lesson. with the Goddess of wisdom and strategy involved we are asked to get a Higher perspective and see what the situation is asking of us. to think about the future or the past is to miss out on this present moment. we need to address the here and now and we need to do it with the elevated perspective of an owl (one of athena’s power animals). and lastly, with vesta involved we are asked to deeply commit to our path of service and spirituality. all choices right now should be sourced from the perspective of the Higher Self. if we act from our egos or our lower needs and desire we will come up short or run into problems- but if we align with our Higher Self/Spirit/Soul then we will navigate the stormy seas with faith and courage, knowing that we are being led by a Higher Power.

the ruling planet of this lunation is venus and she is in tense aspect to the sun/moon conjunction, to the uranus/pluto square and to neptune. with all three outer planets activating venus we can experience instability, dissolution and transfiguration in relationships, finances, our personal values and our self-worth. the outer planets bring in Divine energies that have nothing to do with the ego and it’s needs for safety and security. the sole purpose of the outer planets is to shake up our lives and help us wake up, grow, evolve and transform. relationships of all kinds are the vehicles for change right now. some connections are ending, others are beginning, and yet others are transforming into some new expression of themselves. it’s not a time to stick with the status quo or keep on doing what you’ve always done (do you really want to keep on getting what you’ve always got?). it is a great time to embrace change, push yourself to your edge and take a leap of faith into the unknown!

this new moon is one for the books and the two lunation’s that follow (full moon and the next new moon) will be eclipses. so into the eclipse portal we go! amplification of anything and everything is possible- so be sure you are focusing on what you want to amplify. intention is everything!

dark moon/new moon blessings…

~divine harmony