Solar Eclipse in Libra ~ What hangs in the balance? (10/2/24)

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Lunar Insight

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 10’03 Libra is exact at 2:49pm EDT- commencing a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on relationships, partnerships and alliances. This is the 2nd of 2 Eclipses (the first was the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 9/17)- which are times of amplified endings and new beginnings. Eclipses are New Moons and Full Moons that are aligned with the Nodes of Destiny and Karma- so they are known as fated, destined times of evolution and growth (North Node) as well as karmic times where the past is coming up to be addressed and released (South Node). This Solar Eclipse is a South Node Eclipse- so it is highlighting what is karmic, stagnant and stuck in our relationships and alliancea- as well as spotlighting the things that are out of balance in our lives.

The New Moon is very tightly conjunct True and Mean Black Moon Lilith and it is also conjunct Mercury- which can make for interesting communications and relational dynamics. If we tend to sweep things under the carpet and ignore or deny shadow- it can come up and out big time. Alternatively, if we tend to say one thing on the surface, but there is a different truth going on back door- that can be revealed. This looks to be an intense eclipse where big reveals about what is not balanced, not harmonious, not working in our lives and relationships can come front and center. For countries it can magnify relationships with other countries (alliances, diplomatic relations) and expose what is in the shadow.

The New Moon squares Mars in Cancer and Ceres in Capricorn- forming a volatile T square between the God of War and the Great Mother asteroid Goddess. Add in the North Node in Aries to this configuration and we have a Cardinal Grand Cross. Mars in Cancer is ready to stand up for home, family and country! But he is in Fall in Cancer and can be both emotionally subjective and emotionally reactive. Ceres is focused on home and family as well, and also on safety and security. Capricorn is a Sign she is less comfortable in (Cancer- the sign opposite Capricorn- is more her domain). We want to be aware of patriarchal attitudes, tendencies towards emotional repression, and stoically continuing with expectations and obligations (or traditions and dogmas) that are not only old paradigm but are actually toxic and unhealthy.

The New moon is very tightly conjunct the asteroid Astraea- with the Sun, Moon, True and Mean Lilith as well as Astraea all falling between 10’04 and 10’54 Libra! Astraea is the last Goddess who lived on the Earth. All the other deities took off because the consciousness of humanity became too low vibration. She stayed as long as she could- but then finally left as the war, hatred and killing was too much for her heart to bear. When she left Earth she took the Golden Age with her. It is said that when she returns she will bring the Golden Age back to Earth- but she cannot do that until the consciousness on the planet increases. She represents purity and innocence and until both purity and innocence can live safely on Earth she cannot be here with us.

Astraea the asteroid represents several things- on the one hand she represents balance, justice, purity and innocence. But this Eclipse is on the Karmic South Node and the karma of Astraea is not knowing when to let go or move on, staying too long and putting up with too much. Add this into the Libra archetypal story and this can spotlight relationships, partnerships, marriages and even business/diplomatic relationships where we have ‘stayed too long’ in situations that are not equal, not fair, and/or not healthy. The North Node in Aries is the counterbalance to this Eclipse and Aries demands action. He demands we take a stand, speak Truth, set boundaries and say no. Aries asks that we have healthy self preservation- not staying in relationships or dynamics that take and take from us, and do not give in equal measure. Discerning what is- right now, in this now moment- versus what could be, should be, might be or used to be is key. I.E. Certain relationships may have been healthy and mutually beneficial in the past- but staying in them because of what was in the past but is no longer valid in the present is not ideal.

The squares of all the Libra Planets to Ceres can also magnify several themes: home and family situations, mothers and children and their relationships, safety and security of family and country, the environment and climate matters, the food supply and more. Ceres is out of bounds as well- which amplifies these energies. Add in Mars’ opposition to Ceres and square to the Libra planets and there can be high emotions and also high emotional subjectivity and reactivity. Everyone can be seeing things from THEIR perspective- related to their needs for safety, security, and belonging. And simultaneously they can have some big blind spots about OTHER’S very valid needs as well. Alternatively for some they may find that it is other’s needs they focus on at the expense of their own- and this could finally disrupt the balance of one’s own well being with big messages incoming around the need for proper self care. Finding balance between self and other, give and take, independence and interconnection is key.

When we look at midpoints we can see that Retrograde Uranus in Taurus sesquiquadrates the Sun/Moon/Mercury/Lilith conjunctions and Uranus also sesquiquadrates Ceres- bringing the Planet of Upheaval to the midpoint of the Libra Planets square Ceres the Great Mother. We are being confronted with where we have swept things under the carpet or been adhering to dogmas and patriarchal dictates for far too long. Uranus is wild card energy- you never know what you are going to get with Uranus! It could be liberation and freedom or it could be chaos, upheaval and unexpected events. Uranus keeps us on our toes! The key to working with Uranus is using his energy to embrace change, clear things out and let things go.

The ruler of this Lunation is Venus who is in Scorpio making almost entirely benevolent aspects. She forms a Grand Water Trine with Mars and Saturn and she semisextiles the Libra Planets. The Grand Water Trine in particular can be very blessed IF WE ARE WILLING TO FEEL OUR EMOTIONS- this is a Water Trine after all. The Solar Eclipse in airy Libra on the South Node can be magnifying where we are stuck in our heads and not fully in our hearts or our bodies. Feeling is the path to healing- not stuffing emotions, denying them, or sweeping them under the carpet. But also not reacting from emotions in explosive, uncontrollable ways. Right relationship to emotions is key! Shadow Work helps!!

My Astrology & Your Shadow course is available on demand here-

All on demand courses are 25% off through the end of the day 9/30. More info here-

Leading up to this New Moon Eclipse we have several South Node conjunctions to pay attention to- on 9/28 the Sun aligns with the South Node, on 9/29 Mercury does so, and then on 9/30 the Sun and Mercury align. PAY ATTENTION to the things you hear, think, say or otherwise learn as information on these days leading up to the Eclipse. What is toxic, stagnant, or stuck in relationships or in the balance (or lack thereof) in your life can be brought to Light. The messages or information you get in these days leading up to the Eclipse can be very informative and help you get clear on what the Eclipse is asking of you.

Right now anything in Libra (like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Lilith) gets massively rocked by intense interactions with all the social and transpersonal planets. Moving from conjunct the South Node, quincunx Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, opposite Chiron and Eris, and square Pluto- the Libra planets (and the Libra part of our charts) is getting activated. Add in Mars in Cancer who gets involved and this just turns the heat up to another level. Being willing to see what is out of balance, not working, being swept under the carpet, or is exposing something on the surface that is not true to what is going on behind closed doors is key. If we do not choose this consciously- the Universe (via the Astrology) will force our hand!

Last but definitely not least- the New Moon Eclipse is conjunct the Fixed Star Diadem. Today we are told this in the constellation of Coma Berenices- a more modern myth about Queen Berenices cutting of her hair as a sacrifice given so that her husband will come back home safely from war. We are told this star means ’to sacrifice oneself’ presumably because of this myth. Ancient Coma Berenices is seen as a Divine Mother with her Divine Son/Child sitting on her lap. You can see this on the ceiling of Dendera in Egypt. She represents the Pure Virgin nursing her Divine Child (a la Virgin Mary and Jesus, Isis and Horus, Net and Ra, etc…). Comah means desired or longed for- so this can be the longed for Christ Child. The ancient Egyptian name for this constellation was Shes-Nu- said to be mean desired son. But Shes is the cord that stretches and Nu can be Nut the Mother Goddess and/or the Nu/Nun primordial abyss. This can be the umbilical cord that connects us to our Cosmic Mother!!! The Mother nursing her child can be the Great Mother nourishing us- maintaining our connection to Source.

When I feel into this ancient myth and interpret the conjunction of this star to the New Moon/Eclipse I feel into the Karma of having cut ourselves off from our Mother. Astraea was a mother like figure that stayed on Earth to help the humans until she could bear the pain of the low vibration consciousness no more. She did not want to leave but she had to for her own vibration (or perhaps she would have forgotten who she was- reminding me of the movie The Last Unicorn). We do have a Divine Mother watching over us- and her heart breaks as she sees humanity warring, slaughtering each other, aggressively posturing and trying to conquer and dominate.

For me Diadem shows the sacrifice the Mother has made for us- and the constellation Shes-Nu is a reminder that cutting ourselves off from our Mother/the Divine Feminine IS the cause of all the suffering in the world. This is what the Grail myth is about- the Wounded Fisher King and his desolate land is only wounded and desolate because the Divine Feminine (Love, kindness, compassion) has been cut off from. As long as we are warring with each other- we cannot claim to be loving nor kind. The irony is that religious wars are fought by religions that have teachings on Love and compassion and yet they slaughter each other. Something is missing- and it’s the Mother Goddess and Feminine principle that is the missing piece to it all (her primacy is notably missing from all major patriarchal world religions).

Interestingly Coma Berenices (or ancient Shes-nu) is the home of the North Galactic Pole. This is True North in the Milky Way Galaxy and it is the place that offers a clean and clear view of the distant Universes that lie beyond our home galaxy. The milky part of the Milky Way obscures our ability to see beyond ourselves- but at the NGP we can see what lies beyond clearly. The NGP is located at 0’22 Libra and is conjunct the Equinox Sun point in Tropical Astrology, and it is also 2 degrees away from the Super Galactic Center. 0-3 Libra is a very powerful part of the sky. In its Highest this area of the sky calls for peace, balance and harmony- things we all need to call in right now as many wars are escalating on the planet to a boiling point of which we will not be able to pull back from if they do not deescalate.

(If you enjoy learning about ancient myths my course Stargate Mystery School- which includes 13 classes full of these kinds of teachings- is available on demand here-

I will leave you with the Sabian Symbol and Star Sparks degrees for this New Moon Eclipse (full text is below). The Sabian Symbol speaks to problems transmitting knowledge- from the old to the young, from the past to the present and future. It can speak to a disconnect between the old guard and the new young guard up and coming. It also poses the question- what is the difference between ‘teachings’ and ‘embodied wisdom’? I.E. What is the difference between a head full of knowledge and a person full of wisdom (there is a HUGE difference!).

The Star Sparks degree speaks to a pattern set, a die cast. It tells us ‘everything is fated’ and that ‘past actions nos breed a world of effects’. This is VERY South Node of Karma. This degree reminds us that was is present now is due to what was set into motion in the past. But it is also a reminder that a choice in this now moment can change our future trajectory. We are told ‘there is a possible step of leaping toward freedom and becoming somebody new’. This is both personal and also collective- and I feel a turning point for humanity is presenting itself. What will we choose?

The medicine of the Star Sparks degree is to pay attention to dreams and portents and synchronicities. Don’t just pay attention to head knowledge- but pay attention to body wisdom, dreams, intuition and inner knowing. It also reminds us that when hearts and minds are open- all things are possible!!! May all hearts and minds be opened and may it happen with the utmost grace and ease. So may it be!

Have a blessed New Moon Eclipse…


The Lunar Gate Call for this New Moon Eclipse will be up by 9/29.

The Lunar Horoscopes will be up by 10/2 or 10/3.

I am having a 25% off Sale on all my on demand courses. The Sale expires end of day 9/30.

All my on demand courses are included in the sale: Astrology & Your Shadow, Embodied Astrology, Stargate Mystery School, The Alchemy of the Asteroid Goddesses, Foundations of Astrology, Intermediate Series Level 1/2 and my newest course that is completing right now Calling in the Light.

You can learn more here-

by Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: Problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup.

This is a rather peculiar symbol for this phase of the process, and it reveals a rather humorous approach to what man’s mind can accomplish at this stage. However, there seems to be no valid reason to make the image into some kind of a caricature, or to sentimentalize it by referring to a “kind old professor.” Rather one should analyze the picture in order to discover its basic elements. The professor has dealt so much with books that he has greatly strained his eyes; in days when bifocal lenses were not widely used, he had to peer over his glasses in order to see his students. The symbol thus simply reveals two aspects of the condition of “professor-ship” — that is, of being able to transfer to the young generation the vast sum of knowledge accumulated by the past. The need to absorb this enormous amount of book knowledge affects the mind as well as the eyes; in order to meet the demands of the turbulent youth, the teacher in a sense has to look above this knowledge and to see his students simply as human beings.

This is the first symbol in the thirty-ninth five-fold sequence. It deals at the intellectual level with the teaching of accumulated collective knowledge, and the problem posed by the acquisition of that knowledge. This is what INSTRUCTION means — a process not to be confused with “education.”

by Elias Lonsdale

Libra 11
Tea leaves that form a pentagram.

The pattern is set. The die is cast. Everything is fated. Past actions now breed a world of effects. It is easy to tell that nothing is new, all is as expected, following closely the ancient pattern, the timeless design.

When the dial of time is set beforehand and fixed, inevitability prevails. The graceful choice is to accord with the signs and the portents. We can flow into and embrace whatever comes as our lot in life. We can know it to be something we created long ago.

There is as well a very sharp dynamic at work leading in a fresh direction. It is an option, a possibility, a leap beyond the expected and the assumed. Once the pattern is digested and known in all its contours, there is a possible step of leaping toward freedom and becoming somebody new.

In order to make the transition from fixed past worlds to open future worlds, we often need here to hold a balance between both for a while. We check out the old territory, and we feel into the new territory, over and again. Can we really afford to make such a big change at this late date?

The answer to this destiny riddle lies as well in the stars, in the cards, in the synchronicities, in dreams, in subtle worlds apart. Along this track there are beings and worlds that must be consulted. The only way to tell is to tune in to the whole and let one’s own part be revealed in that broader context.

Yet a hint can be given. Wherever there is vision and hearts opening, all possibilities are wide open.